
This is not even remotely true. It’s how you want to see it, that way you can dismiss it all as some ridiculous revenge plot. Women have the upper hand and they’re going to make men pay! Sounds like the tagline of a 1950s B-movie, or even 70s. And you keep using Jezebel as the be all end all of proof of your revenge

It’s gotten worse. The internet has allowed all these people to come together and feed each other’s festering resentments until they’re a frothing mob. Not to mention the whole gatekeeper mentality of, I love this therefore it’s mine and only those I deem worthy (people just like me) are allowed to participate.

All if this. Well said.

Something’s rotten.

No you’re not, or you wouldn’t have gone off topic.

What utter bullshit. The different point of view line is such a weak pathetic attempt to deflect people from blatant racism and bigotry. It’s lazy and demonstrates a total lack of decency. Your messiah not wanting people from shithole countries means he things the people are shit, it means he has contempt for the

Wow. Weak. But oh so typical.

Oral. They’re talking about oral sex. Although there are plenty of teenagers out there who don’t think anal counts either. As long as they’re not having traditional heterosexual sex they’re still virgins! How girls so readily buy this crap is a mystery. But the article had nothing to do with LGBT sex. That’s where

Thank you for this thread. I cannot stop laughing.

That non apology was the boys will be boys brush off. Translation: You’re the ones getting offended, they’re just boys having harmless fun. We offered to fix things so those who can’t take a joke will be happy, but everyone is overreacting and won’t let us. We just wanted to play basketball, but fine, we’ll be the

That was a horrifying read. To grow up in that atmosphere must be soul crushing.

Except Bowie slept with teenage girls, some as young as 14 if memory serves.

The list was publicized without her permission. But please go on and tell me more about how Harper’s is going to treat her fairly when the writer of the piece is a Serena Joy cool girl who thinks men are the real victims. You do realize there are countless lists like this out there, right? Women across all walks of

So you created this account to troll the comments and dismiss and degrade women sharing stories of their own harassment and assault. KatherineDenoove. That’s not even creative.

There are always Serena Joys willing to throw other women under the bus for their place in the patriarchy. Nothing’s changed. Cool girls abound.

Being scolded for wearing a pin for a cause and not being able to talk about said cause is not being treated like an enemy. I had no clue that was such a murky area, but you do you little one. See things that aren’t there and make false declarations!

No one is treating him like an enemy. Not a single person.

And you seem to waiting on the edge of your seat to see women smacked back down. because hare women demand they be treated with the same modicum of respect that men are given automatically due to the simple fact that they’re men.

Just because he dressed it up in language that made him sound reasonable to a certain segment of population doesn’t mean it was reasonable or well researched. The scientist whose work he based it on literally said Danmore came to the wrong conclusions. Plus the mediocre moron failed to take into account other

You either screwed your boss or because of the woman thing. Not because you at all deserved it. No way. Mediocre men are truly pathetic.