
I was suspicious, my last sentence was originally, is this a real comment or are you just trolling. But I changed it to c’mon son. Just watched the Psyche Christmas movie so I had Gus on the brain.

Except not ALL women choose to wear the hijab. My daughter’s best friends are prime example of this. Her one friend did choose to wear it, after her family went from moderate Muslims to very conservative Muslims. Her other friend has chosen not too to wear it, and her family supports that decision because they truly

The problem is the same white people who excused all the murders you mention are also excusing this one, with the exact same line of bullshit. They will never care about anyone killed by police because in their minds you had to have done something, the fault is all yours, not the cops. Even this obviously sadistic

Nah, if I were on the jury no way would I have acquitted. The cop is the one who turned a simple situation into the action movie playing in his head. He turned the man into a terrified blubbering mess who was trying to fix his pants as he was forced to crawl across the floor. He wanted to kill, and created the perfect

You are why cops keep getting away with murder. This cop was on a power trip, he got off on degrading and terrifying this poor man. I grew up in law enforcement, at no time did I ever hear of cops making people crawl to them. That is some massive bs and a clear abuse of power. They had every opportunity to deescalate

It was power trip. The cop got off on degrading the poor man, and wanted to kill him. The way he acted was criminal, it was beyond disgusting, and he should have never been given a badge. He literally had, you’re fucked, on his gun. This is a man who got behind a badge so he could bully, degrade and murder. Now he’s

Yes. That alone should have been a big red flag.

I saw this just a few minutes ago and it made me ill. This is the country we live in. Where a cop tells a man to crawl to him instead of walking down the hall and cuffing him. He was on a power trip and wanted to pull the trigger. He wanted to kill. Fuck him, and fuck the jurors.

This is just...wow.

Don’t say that on Facebook. You may get banned. Temporarily. Then again you said some not all. So maybe they’d let that slide.

It would appear.

We’ve all been waiting for this. I’m going to assume this is the beginning of the cascade.

Age of consent laws were created so men could placate women while screwing children. 13 and 14 are children, and if you want to screw them you’re a sick fuck.

Pc idiots. Weak and lazy, and so typical of skeezy men.

No its not. They are not more than ready for sex just because biology. Or are you saying the ten year old girls who get their periods are ready for sex? That’s what sick twisted child molesting fundies think. Your kind of people then right? Cuz biology.

Yeah, screw you and your attraction to children my daughter’s age. Seriously, enough of this crap already.

The evangelicals who voted for him wanted a return on their investment. This is one of those returns.

Psych is comfort food. I relax, enjoy the characters, still marveling that Juliette ended up with Shawn, and get my fill of the feel goods. I’m looking forward to this.

Republican do not care. They never have and never will. How a man treats a woman will never hurt him with republicans. Just look at the man they elected president. At this point I despise the republican party and all who vote for them.

Truer words.