When I was in high school they held a self defense seminar for the girls and the instructor told us about the key trick. Times have changed.
When I was in high school they held a self defense seminar for the girls and the instructor told us about the key trick. Times have changed.
It was on my Facebook feed, and I didn’t even finish the entire list. So I don’t have a link. And while it is complete hearsay, he’s always struck me as skeezy. Obviously I’m not the only one.
Living up to your name. Bravo.
The rumor achieved its intended goal. I’ve seen her fans already deciding its true and pushing the extortion angle as fact.
Absolutely agree.
Absolutely agree.
There is no transposing. I’m talking about the very real embrace of identity politics on the right. “The real Americans” with their wholesome Christian conservative white lives. The liberal coastal elites are to be derided, as is higher education which leads young men and women to question the white Christian…
There’s a list going around of all the actors who have been accused of sexual harassment and assault. He’s on it. The stories are from young women who met him backstage while he was touring. He apparently prefers them young, and treats them like blow up dolls with a pulse. More than one girl said when she told him he…
Thank for writing this. I can truly relate.
Zweed, cheese wheels, buss full of Lincoln zombies, zombie balls, puppies and kittens, Grandpa zombie pointing and saying Lucy, and a great cast of characters make it a much more enjoyable show to watch. And at least they have a mission. It has never been just surviving, there’s always been a light at the end of the…
This is spot on. After the elections when identity politics became the demonizing buzz phrase, one of many, for the left, I just sat back kind of gobsmacked. The rise of rightwing extremism in the republican party was all about identity politics. Pundits and politicians told rural Americans they were the real and true…
This is spot on. After the elections when identity politics became the demonizing buzz phrase (one of many) for the left, I just sat back kind of gobsmacked. The rise of rightwing extremism in the republican party was all about identity politics. Pundits and politicians told rural Americans they were the real and true…
About how he loves 15 year old girls? So gross. And of course he ignores pleas to stop when he’s hurting one of those girls. It’s all about him.
I’ve asked that question. Crickets.
Well of course. Ladies! The soul sucking gauntlet you walk every day is just the way it is. Suck it up and deal we have more important things to focus on, like what happens to men. Focusing on women’s issues is a waste of time we need to focus on men’s issues because those are human issues.
Stop comparing an inanimate object to a human being. We are not houses, cars, jewelry, or money. We are people, and for fucks sake how we dress makes no difference. There is an exhibit touring right now of what women were wearing when assaulted. Guess what? Its full of sweats, pants, and sweaters.
History’s greatest monster for two days? In what universe would that be? Her op-ed was tone deaf, full of tired ole tropes, and victim blaming. And dressing modestly doesn’t protect you from a damn thing. Although I will say the baggy t-shirt and sweatpants I was wearing when I was attacked were a pure invitation I…
And he still wasn’t able to articulate his ideas as well as his opponents. Sad.
Plenty of room for alternative narratives for people who want to believe them. The article doesn’t prove those people deserve to be listened to at all. The man is dead, let it go already.
Free speech! Free speech! They were attacked by the violent left for expressing their first amendment right and were forced to defend themselves. The left always resorts to shutting down speech instead of engaging and debating, and you know the rest. I’m sure that’s how it will be spun. Because their incendiary…