
I worked in the restaurant industry from 13 to 35, and did almost everything, even jumping on the line once to cook. Harassment from customers and fellow employees was rife. Two stick out. The first was a cook who made animal noises every time I walked into the kitchen. I ignored it, pretending not to hear, because I

Morgan Freeman is a total creeper. He was interviewed twice by a WGN producer who was a huge fan. The way he looked her up and down set the tone for both interviews and it was so skeevy. Of course WGN played the interviews multiple times during their morning show because they thought it was cute how he was flirting

Except in states where with a judges approval parents can marry off their 13, 14, 15, and 16 year old daughters to older men. Those are arraigned marriages of underage girls happening here in the U.S. It’s disgusting, wrong and usually comes down to religion and keeping their daughters dependent on a man cuz God.

Where are those actual stats? I’d love to see them. A simple google search yielded the opposite.

What utter bullshit. Most HR people protect the accused. This is why we have so many lawsuits nowadays, sexual harassers have been protected left and right for fucking ever. But of course the poor men, the real victims.

Just like the scared college bros who are afraid to talk to girls because they could be labelled rapists! Men are the true victims here.

Are you seriously trying to make this about a poor picked on NRA loving man? It couldn’t possibly be because a middle aged lunatic climbed onto a moving school bus and demanded to be let inside. Nope, its because he was wearing an NRA hat. Didn’t even notice the hat until you pointed it out. Interesting how you zeroed

There’s always been vitriol, but it seems to have boiled over down here in the comments recently. I am always up for a discussion, in fact I used to enjoy myself. But these days.... I woke up to find an insulting reply. If want to trade insults I can go to Facebook or Twitter. I’m not saying I’m squeaky clean, I’ve

This is why decided to bow out early. Kuddos to you for trying. But yeah, the unyielding and judgmental stance of commenters I normally respect is disheartening.

I grew up Catholic, but as I got older I started to question the doctrine. I searched for something that felt right for me, and the more I learned the more I realized religion was just not for me. We teach our daughter about different faiths and belief systems, and the diversity in our area has exposed her to a wide

After reading your comments and hers there is no point in trying to “enlighten” you. Your minds are made up, the judgment and condescension dripping from every syllable. Why waste my time on this gorgeous Sunday?

I really wonder who’s call it was to do that, because that happened at a lot of them. Not all of course, but way too many.

The fact that you compare self harming to liking rough and or kinky sex says it all.

The fact that you compare self harming to liking rough and or kinky sex says it all.

My daughter and I just made the sauce at home. It’s delicious and probably ten times better than it would be from McDonald’s.

Okay I get that its in to shit all over Rick and Morty fans because some truly do suck, and from the comments I see people are riding in to do just that. But this whole thing was a complete cluster fuck on the part of McDonald’s. They made a huge deal out of this, listed the stores that would have the sauce on their

Same with pretty much every industry in the world. Men circle the wagons and protect their own. Hell, a racist, bigoted, sexually assaulting, lying, piece of shit like trump can even be president! And men and women will dismiss every woman who came forward as attention seeking, money grubbing whores because hey, he’s

Moreover, after learning of this specific instance in which Coach Jones illegally distributed intimate photos of Plaintiff, Defendant Washington Nationals did nothing.

Calm down ladies. Smile at the blatant sexism and belittlement, it’s all in good fun. It’s not like you’re flags or an anthem, you’re females.

Oh, so you’re a rightwing meme. All bullshit no truth. Lazy and willfully ignorant. Sad.