
Yeah, those that scream about safe spaces, snowflakes, and political correctness, are sure as shit triggered out of their minds about people exercising their 1st amendment rights. They don’t want to think or feel uncomfortable while watching sports. Although domestic violence and rape don’t seem to bother them in the

Well, then he’ll be tweeting about it any minute now.

In general I’d agree. But he’s really going all out against black athletes who dare to exercise their first amendment rights these days, and sports commentators as well. But yes, he really really hates Muslims.  

Only if they’re white. If the shooter is anything other than white he’ll be tweeting about it immediately. He’s probably waiting, tiny fingers poised to condemn the immigrant, Muslim, Mexican(because they’re all Mexican to him) that he’s hoping did it. Even better if it’s a black guy, because wow he has a thing for

That sums up perfectly how those devout religious educators see women. You belong to your father then your husband, and defilement steals from your future husband. Who the hell cares how you feel? Your future husband now has a whore for a wife.

Seriously. The constant Moffat bashing got so fucking old ages ago. And now with the new Doctor being a woman I just avoid all comments regarding the show. Some people really suck and seem quite proud of it.

My husband took our daughter to see the Rickmobile when it came to Chicago and they had a blast with all the people in line. Really great people. Which is good considering they were in line with them for over three hours. My daughter even filmed the line, and it was pretty equal men and women. I only just started

Completely agree. It’s a lawsuit that I would hope gets tossed. But they are getting sued.

I literally read the interview with Jenn Kirkman yesterday, and this feels more like a way to keep people outraged and get clicks than actually trying to get the truth. The Kinja bros will love it though. Anything that feeds their hate for Jezebel makes them happy.

They are, but not for this...yet.

So sorry you’re going through this. I wish I had words of wisdom that could help or make a difference. But you do belong there, you earned the right to be there through hard work and perseverance. And screw those frat bros and all the others for making you feel otherwise.

Feminazi, a term used by the small minded, unimaginative, fact resistant sad sacks of male victimhood. Only scared, angry little boys equate a word that literally mean equality with Nazis. Again, thanks for demonstrating the sexist/misogynist cliche in spades.

And here it is! Sexist diatribe part 2! Seriously, you are the the cliche from top to bottom. Every word drips with willfully ignorant misogyny. And you honestly believe you’re just being reasonable, telling it like it is so they say. All your facts are pure sexist bullshit. And you put stupid assumptions in bold, I

What? How you gonna have time to date is sexist?

Virtually no one is in physical jeopardy — at the moment — from white supremacists.

Heidi was always too good for Cartman, and when he bought in Butter’s bullshit at the end of last season it was only a matter of time until he reverted back to his old self. Heidi is no way being demanding, or a nag, or anything that deserves his attitude. So yes, people are definitely seeing what they want to there.

On what channel do you watch British Drunk History? I didn’t even know it existed.

I’m so tired of people trying to minimize the violence of what he did to her. Like ramming his fingers inside of her isn’t rape.

Yes, I see you listened closely. Thanks for explaining it to me in a way I didn’t comprehend before. And for missing the point entirely.

Go fuck yourself.