
No, biased religious leaders and scientists have said women have, as you put it lower libidos than men. That was never true, it was the patriarchy slut shaming women for centuries to keep them inline and justify horrific cruelty, like FGM. We never had lower libidos, it was enforced and perpetuated by men. I get what

Of course you go there. I say Wahhabism is a perversion of Islam and you accuse me of bigotry. Did I say anything about the Suffis? No. Anything about any other sect of Islam? No. But sure I denounce a system of oppression and you accuse me of Islamophobia. Typical. So excuse you.

Respects women in its own way is code for she could be locked away indefinitely, caned, flogged or even beheaded so we should just shrug our shoulders and say, its their way. No, no thank you. And Wahhabism is a perversion of Islam embraced by House Saud to control the masses while they drink, smoke and fuck whomever

He is a pedophile. Look up all the girl’s he paid off. He’s a vile piece of crap.

What fun? Others said men can’t write women convincingly, and while there are definitely some that can’t, most of the authors I read don’t have that problem.

Women have taken male pen names to be taken seriously, to be read in the first place because of blatant sexism. I have nothing against these men doing the initials things, but it is not the same.

If Gendry ever stops rowing.

It was reported to the police asshat.

Yes, because police and the courts have proven they work tirelessly for justice where rape is concerned. Out of all the women I’ve known who were sexually assaulted and or raped only one went to the cops. The others knew they wouldn’t be taken seriously or believed. Including myself. Because unless you act like

I see your point.

You’re pathetic, and honestly a waste of time. So take your faux outrage and shove it up your ass fuckboy. Mkay?

On the one hand its gender based violence that leaves girls and women vulnerable to rape. Because while they’re impure many men have no problem raping them while their isolated and vulnerable. Its very common. On the other hand its illegal. Illegal in the very country they live in. Their own culture says its wrong and

Its illegal.

The huts are sometimes sheds no bigger than a dog house. These people are poor, the huts are dangerous to their wellbeing. But hey who cares about the girls as long as tradition is upheld? And comparing a human rights violation to the failed war on drugs makes you as piss poor a troll as the other two.

Fuck off with your white feminist bullshit. Their own people outlawed it fuck boy. But I guess what really matters is that girls lives are in danger once a month so you feel superior to white feminists.

What’s wrong with ostracizing girls and women based on superstitions that put them in grave danger? Based on the fear of menstrual blood. She cant’ be touched! Except for the fact the plenty of men have no problem raping girls when their isolated in sheds without anyone to help them. Its gender violence asshole, pure

I still cringe at Guy Ritchie directing Aladdin. Did anyone see the brofest mess that was his version of King Arthur? No, because the trailers showed us all we needed to see.

That’s how I feel, I may not like the woman but that doesn’t mean I’m going to excuse or even applaud what that disgusting waste of space did.

The comments on Buzzfeed are enough to make a sane person rage stroke. Men and women saying she got what she deserved, and siding with a known abuser because she’s a gold digging whore. I can’t count how many times I’ve said, it doesn’t matter if you like or her or hate her, revenge porn is wrong. It really shouldn’t

That was an epic Doctor take down. But she did come through for everyone in the end. Even then she said her line, and the Daleks responded with, “Yes, we know who you are.”