
My heart hurts. I can only teach my daughter so much, and thankfully she values herself, which with her own youtube channel at 14, says a lot. But these stories remind me of how easily I fell into an abusive relationship, and then found myself shocked it had happened to me.

Except it isn’t as black and white as this at all. But it makes it easier to not care what happens to the other, to the illegal. Dehumanizing them and reducing them to one thing allows Americans to sit on their high horse and look the other way while families are being ripped apart. And before you come with the

This is such a massive generalization and so utterly wrong. Yeah, why bother going into it? Anyone who writes this already has their mind made up.

It would be nice to believe they didn’t know, that if they did they’d do something about it. But they knew what they were watching. Just like the other cases of this that have popped up where at least one person called the cops, everyone knew what they were seeing was a real rape. People are awful.

It really is such bullshit at this point, and insulting to all those actors who worked their asses off in college.

And the culture you’ve decided to see isn’t true at all. Most American actors get degrees, they have too. Unfortunately if its not on your resume most agents and casting directors won’t bother even seeing you. Yes there are some famous models who make the leap, but most of those American actors you look down on have

And that is part of the problem. Its the perception that British actors in general are just better than Americans, and its only compounded for people of color. Plus its all crap and has been a thorn in the side of American actors for decades.

I read the thread. The claim that he’s a lefty now made me laugh so hard i cried. They’re insane hateful people.

They’ve taken out the pitchforks and are mob attacking her on social media. The rightwingers expect her to tow the line, and how dare she not scream about the baby killers like she screams about all the other libtard snowflakes. Those people have no loyalty or shame.

Everything you regurgitate is rightwing propaganda and bullshit talking points. You equate things that have nothing to do with one each other and aren’t even on the same level, and then insult others for refusing to see the similarities. You’re just stamping your foot and going I know you are but what am I! And

No on wants to relive the cold war, but the truth of the matter is Putin has been ramping that up for years. Most Americans don’t know because they weren’t paying attention. He made us the big bad enemy to give the people a scapegoat, and its worked like gangbusters. Now he wants to expand Russia again, because his

Because of my husband’s father, who taught and was a dean at MSU years ago, he’s dead now, my daughter could go to there and we’d get a break on tuition. But after reading how piss poorly they handle sexual assault allegations, and not just these, I’m thinking no. She wants to go to school elsewhere, out of the

I’m going to go out on a limb and say you haven’t read anything from people who used to be part of wikileaks, who started it with Assange and walked away. I’d do that before you go off on your, they do no wrong and you only hate them because they hacked your party, tangent. (Stamps foot, cross arms) You sound like a

I think you could get quite a few people on board. I was planning on giving up beer. I just like it too much, and it shows. But since he took office I’ve been knocking them back nightly.

My daughter loves her graphic novel series, Angel Catbird. I was reading the Handmaid’s Tale, seething, and my daughter was laughing her butt off reading the graphic novel. She has something for everyone.

Am i the only one who immediately thought of The Last Unicorn?

The Benedictines. At least in high school. We had mass every week, as well as religion class,but the reputation of school was one of college bound kids, so education was emphasized.

Literally just got back from the store with all the fixings to make tacos. And then I checked Jez. Looking forwards to a taco feast.

My religion teacher, Father Julian, was an archaeologist who was an expert in the occult. I kid you not, he loved it. He was one of the coolest monks you could ever meet. The Catholic schools I attended took the education part seriously, evolution and all.

Because of course it is. He’s on a mission to teach women their place, and make sure men can be men, which in his view obviously equals rapist. How is this guy still on the bench? Why do I even ask that anymore? Rape apologists, and misogynists are in the judicial everywhere.