
I’m talking about years of this crap, and you know what? The Goddamn liberals are tired. I know I am. After years of reaching out, of insisting we have more in common than different, of refusing to demonize “the other side,” I’m done. I’m fucking tired of them and their real America bullshit, I’m tired of the

They’re showing everyone else how tough they are. Look at the one kid’s eyes, he thinks he’s a badass, and in his fucked up head, everyone else knows it now.

Its worked like gangbusters for the rightwing since Fox News was inflicted on us. All the right has done for the past fifteen, twenty years is insult and debase the left. It worked perfectly for president elect pussy grabber. People hate liberals with an almost all consuming rage and they grab onto anything that

I’ve seen this comment word for word before.

No, you’re just a typical obtuse asshole who thinks the truth is what he wants it to be. But you’re not even sexist, you’re an MRA misogynist. Every word is such bullshit.

Wait, didn’t he say. “I hear you get sodomized quite often?” That was his response to her talking about the sodomy scene in This Is the End. So she did what all actors are taught in improve, yes and... She may have taken it too far, but he wasn’t mister tact.

What the ever loving hell?

I read this earlier today, and well, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I love this show and the BBC really should have just given them what they wanted. It's the most popular show in Britain. They still have Mary Barry and Paul Hollywood, if they lose them it's over.

Probably? Do know what it's like to be so poor you have to decide what gets paid for day to day and week to week? Unlivable doesn't even begin to cover it.


We got another one vomiting vitriol all over the greys. It’s really pathetic.

After Obama was elected hate groups tripled. Nothing terrified bigots like a black man being elected president. Gun sales have risen year after year, even though no one has taken away anyone's guns away. And since the overt bigotry of Trump has pushed the toxic underbelly of the right wing out in the open, hate crimes

The people who insist Trump doesn't mean it, he's only saying these things to get elected are the same one's screaming about Hillary being dishonest. This whole election has exposed the underbelly of bigotry like no other. If he's elected the hate crimes will skyrocket like they have in England since Brexit.

A Muslim who's an avid Trump supporter. It boggles the mind.

And Clinton's quote about his supporters was wrong how? She was just telling it like it is.

I read that too. The police spokesperson made me sick. I get what her job entails, but adamantly defending decisions not to investigate because under state law a woman has to put up enough of a fight to prove she was really raped, was disgusting. Especially since the state supreme court ruled that wasn't the case. It

Another idiot hoping to start a fight in the comments. There's no creativity either. It's such an obvious attempt at baiting. Sad and pathetic really.

Rally's are not votes. Those are the numbers that matter. I've been to a rally, with thousands in attendance, and it meant nothing when the election came around.

I have no problem with her choosing to abstain from sex, it’s her choice through and through. But the phrase sexual integrity is a rightwing religious reinvention of purity. It's meant to modernize the idea of virginity until marriage as an ethical choice. But it means the same thing, she's a better woman, a cleaner,