
What finally broke me was Nadiya being so overwhelmed she couldn’t talk, and pointed to the cake plate and then to herself. I lost it after that.

They have a few seasons on youtube and Netflix has one season I believe, but they call it the Great British Baking Show, not sure why.

When Mary Berry got choked up talking about Nadiya in the finale and walked off camera I almost started crying myself. Nadiya was my favorite as well, I was so happy she won. I wish we could watch the new series, unfortunately we'll have to wait until someone posts it on youtube.

Sometimes I really love all of you at Deadspin.

My dad screwed the babysitter and when my mom found out he swore he wouldn’t do it again. Guess what? When my mother finally had enough he begged her not to leave him, and then put the divorce entirely on her. He then married the babysitter. I loved my father, I excused so much because he was my dad. Then you grow up

You don’t know what goes on in either household though. You’re telling everyone not to be quick to judge while insinuating their mother is poisoning them against their father. At least that’s how it comes across without hearing your voice. These girls sound like they know exactly what they’re doing and even said he

Even worse.

And, from what I read, there's a brutal rape scene in the film. Just the fact that he and his co-rapist wrote it makes me ill.

He wasn't found innocent in a court of law, he was found not guilty. They are not the same thing.

Did I say her talk show was unapologetically innovate, new, and unique? Rereading my comment I don’t see that sentiment. I don’t watch talk shows, not Amber’s and not Wendy’s, or anyone’s. They just don’t interest me. I said she was unapologetically herself, and I like her. Her talk show has nothing to do with that.

She is so unapologetically herself, and after weathering fragile egos determined to keep her down. I love her.

His lawyer almost gave me a rage stroke. Rape culture strikes again, and again, and again.

Probably and potentially are assumptions, and proof of nothing.

Smell the condescension.

I missed the actual thread itself, only reading about it in comments, and like so many I thought it couldn’t be true. He seems so reasonable about other things, and then there were articles about sexual assault, and each one he tried to act reasonable, but his rape apologist bullshit came through loud and clear. On

Same here. I remember being shocked a father would sit his daughter down, and tell her it was all rape hysteria, and that what so many people are defining as rape isn’t rape. He was so smug and proud of himself and all I could think was that if his daughter was sexually assaulted at school, she’d internalize it, blame

Yes, yes, and yes. The person creates the art, therefore I refuse to support the artist in any way. There are others to add to that list. It gets even harder when you start looking at people from history who you admire. The truth can be soul crushing and leave wondering if there is any "great man" who deserves your

I am sorry for what happened to you and you showed incredible strength in going as far as you could legally. Truly, that is to be commended. But it in no way gives you the right to judge women who don’t. None whatsoever. Being raped and then railroaded by the people in charge because football matters most, is a