Party on... I guess

I live in a house with guns (husband is a hunter) and my parents own handguns, which they’ve stated is about protecting themselves and their home (we live in TX where you can conceal-carry pretty much anywhere. They both have guns strapped to their driver-side seats). I’m not shocked by, offended by, scandalized by,

As a black person, I love how he is using racial remarks as an excuse to do this. He thinks Black America is gonna be like “oh she called him the n-word so he had to do it.” This dude needs to rot.

Yeah, notice he doesn’t mention Scotland. They all hate him up here. Watch the film “You’ve Been Trumped” if you haven’t already and you’ll see why. I would say he's socipathic, but my understanding of sociopaths is they are able to pretend to be likeable when they need to. I'm not sure he can do that.