
Bomani has a very long reach.

That joke will be stuck in my head all day.

Jameis Winston interrupted the press conference, yelling "Fornicate her precisely in the pudenda!"

Where do you see preach blaming the other woman or treating her harshly? I think you and I are construing preach's words quite differently. I didn't interpret any overt blame or vitriol toward this other woman regarding her sleeping with Mr. Celebrity. Yes, preach described her as a nightmare, but this appears to

And I thought rolling past 7000 without a change was living on the wild side...

I like Flip, and he can be an interesting interview, but he doesn't always say exactly what he means. (Who doesn't make speaking mistakes when they're answering questions off the cuff?) Within a matter of months, I heard him ascribe all the Spurs' success to the luck of winning the lottery twice and then say they

Oh, yeah. Respecting the game. Like when coaches play their best players when they're healthy. That.

It's no surprise Alexey shot that early in the clock; he's always Russian.

When compared to most gamers, I suppose I'd be considered a big RPG guy. However, considering the people I know (and read), I'm pretty minor league. Anyway, enough about my bona fides or lack thereof. I absolutely loved Xenogears. The story was great, the combat was inventive, and it was beautiful to behold. I

This is hearsay, but one of my friends recalls an NBC Pacers broadcast wherein Bill said somebody "stupidly, foolishly" burned down Reggie Miller's house. I always get some strange kick out of that.

That cover is one of my favorite things ever. Ever. Everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

If you watched that and didn't have a seizure, congratulations, you're from the future.

Does anybody know how often junior hockey players are subjected to sexual abuse by their coaches? I know there was a big story with Graham James and Sheldon Kennedy. What if such abuse is far more rampant than we could possibly believe? Couldn't that be an additional factor to analysis of this situation?

Crazy question: Should the Heat continue to honor my press pass after that tweet?

Kram Yecnay? What a gnikcuf elohssa.

I think it's safe to assume that several old school centers would've averaged 15-15-4 per 36 minutes for a season (if not their career) had blocks always been accounted for. I'm looking at you, Wilt and Russ. I'm guessing Mikan, Willis, Nate, Walt, Kareem, and Cowens might've sneaked a season or two in as well.

I keep getting rewarded for never throwing anything away. Whether it's MGS collectibles, a Simpsons Monopoly game that I never opened, or my Rock Band stuff, I'm finding value all over this land.

My brother-in-law and I. We count for something, right?

It's not enough that the Nuggets fired him after the team's best record in franchise history, but now they're driving burning clown cars at Gorge Karl?

My guess is some of the players were hiding their drugs in Hubie's hair, but if that were the case, they might not have minded coming out of the game so much.