
as opposed to generic stereotyped white characters also?

it isnt about “getting over yourself” shes using language of exclusion. I bet you would jump all over this if this was a white person speaking about living in a black neighborhood. Rather than sharing her feelings on a traumatic event which every race and class have experienced she chose to be divisive and not

I think any impact was taken out by mentioning the phrase“their world”. What fucking world? dont bring that us and them bullshit here. All kinds of people are middle class. it isnt exclusively white.

again why is it white feminists? Killer mike would surely think your ignorant for voting for Hilary

Also alot of Blacks would think your ignorant for not voting for Bernie so why direct your comment only to white people?

Uh what? Saying that is racist itself. Im voting for Hilary and have no problem with latino’s or anyone “Thinking for themselves”