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    What he did was pretty appalling, but in an age when lawyers habitually trundle out hormonal/emotional/psychological/abused arguments to try and rationalize the horrible things women do, like murdering spouses, it stands to reason that by the same argument one could claim that Polanski was far from being in a sound

    ‘douched out properly’? Yep, there’s a real heavyweight argument from an intellectual giant.

    Yeah, really sucks when people have a conscience and decide to give someone the benefit of the doubt when two legal panels and a bunch of psychologists decide that Allen doesn’t have a case to answer for, never mind believing in something as arcane as the legal presumption of innocence - you know, that thing you’d

    Moses has established a decent relationship with Allen, and as a result has come in for the same treatment from the family, not least Mia Farrow, who viciously attacked him in one of her posts.

    That might be because Ronan has very publicly disowned him, or hand’t you noticed, even to the extent of dropping the name of Satchel that Allen had given him? Hard to maintain a relationship with someone who makes no bones about telling the world how much he despises you.

    Jesus, can people be really this stupid? He made a work of fiction, not a biopic, or can’t you tell the difference? As far as gleaning the basic stupidity in some people, Allen’s case works as the perfect Rorschach test.

    Yes of course, the perpetual victimhood of women and their saintly demeanors, versus the dastardly behavior of evil rapist males. Oh wait! Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever struck a woman in anger, nor sexually assaulted or even raped one - damn, I must be doing something wrong! Furthermore, I’ve had to put

    Crap. It never ends with this ceaseless round of people spouting off over things they don’t know. He NEVER lived under the same roof as Farrow and her absolute menagerie of kids and had nothing to do with Soon-Yi until much later, when Farrow actually asked him to start taking her to basketball games, etc. Their

    Because of course if it has a vagina it must be telling the truth and it if has a penis it’s a lying rapist. Okay.

    So he got involved with an adult woman who happened to be Farrow’s adopted daughter (no connection at all to Allen). Tacky, but by your reasoning that means he’s fair game for and and all other accusations that might be leveled his way. Got it. I hear they’re opening up a slot in the supreme court just for you.

    Yep, that’s a highly credible source - I hear the New York Times is looking to put her on their payroll.

    Her family’s been vilified? Last I looked it was Dylan, Mia and Ronan who come out of the woodwork every time Allen releases a new film (funny that) to call him a child molester - doesn’t get much worse than that, especially when two legal panels have found no cause to prosecute.

    No,the basis of the argument is that child predators are generally serial offenders - it’s in their DNA to keep indulging the fantasy - ask Mia Farrow’s brother. I would also point out that I’m all too familiar with the malaise as a victim of the abuse when I was a child. It simply doesn’t make sense that Allen, in

    Is it really necessary that boys read ‘girl books’ rather than just go with what interests them? We have raised both our children (one boy, one girl) to be avid readers and book lovers, and in this day and age one should be glad to have children who are simply interested in reading at all, as against bringing gender