
As I said the last time: “Doesn’t that make the playthrough less valid? Isn’t abusing glitches, you know, wrong?”

It does and it is.

Red Dead Redemption Finally Available Emulated on the Xbox One

There you go, the accurate title.

inedible objects

So is complaining about 5 seconds of boob, still waiting on you to admit you fucked up.

Very likely that they have an automatic filter and they have no way of adding exception to it, this is why they are renaming his account.

This is hilarious coming from the Pewbs.

I’m rather disappointed that a large chunk of this was figured out by cheating.

[wrong person]

It’s really not a free feature, needing to pay for the maps doesn’t make it free.

Here, a screenshot for your enjoyment:

This is what it’s like on the PC version with the same update. They didn’t really change anything, they just did a direct port.

free on consoles

Except for when a video game trailer has five seconds (counted) of breast on screen and when women wear what is comfortable to them, other than this, you don’t care about anything.


I bet you say that to all of the ladies, you charmer.

I just play it on my PS4.

Late, but also need to mention that he didn’t do that either. No code injection occurred. He made the existing code do something it wasn’t supposed to, but didn’t actually add any new code to the mix. To do that would require access to the source code.

I wish people here would figure out the difference between code

I bet it makes it so hard to make your video games, huh? You game developer you.

I bet you say that to all the ladies, you charmer you.