
"he was also the construction crew, handling virtually all of the guitar and bass parts on the band’s early albums. For Siamese Dream…"

The irony being Piper is the unstable and apparently unloving one.

It's not gossip, they are. They've posted about each other on their instagrams/twitters, and Schilling had taken Brownstein to industry events.

By twist you mean the hopeful ending?

Maybe you should brush up on facts. The novel was original published as The Price of Salt under a pseudonym. Decades later (in 1990), the novel was republished as Carol (known to be the originally intended title) under Patricia Highsmith's own name.

Vishnevetsky, I really hope you revisit Carol and change your mind. It's not a sentimental story per se (neither is Haynes a sentimental filmmaker), but it sounds like you've not understood or taken into consideration the social and historical context, particularly how it informs the characters and how they need or

Looking forward to Serkis' Origins, not the other one.

Sounds like you need a little more drama in your life.

I already did. It was very good, which I wasn't expecting it be. I saw it though because Cate Blanchett is in it, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered.

You think you made a joke? Lol.

Do you know how ridiculous and childish you sound?

I sincerely hope you're not an adult salivating over Frozen.

Jordan? Timber56, says it right above my comment.
What's funny, the "joke"?

Ok, I'll correct my pronouns: They (ShulkieSmash) laughably thought he (Michael Weyer ) made a joke. Or, they ^ laughably thought that OP made a joke. Understandable now?

He thinks he made a joke therefore he thinks it was funny.
This is more interesting than the review.

Thanks so much.

Correcting you is being defensive? Looks like you're the one with the knee-jerk.

If he thinks that was funny…

No that was portrayed in Into the Woods. This is more the Perrault version with some inspiration from the animated film.