
Who's 'you'? Is my username "Jordan"?

Most critics gave /this/ film a positive review, not the Frozen short.

If you think it was a joke you're more deluded than I thought.

Oh look, a person presuming to know anything about an actress' career before her recent oscar win. Not like she didn't do Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings, Hanna, and what not.

Are the 41 critics who gave it positive reviews and the audiences who enjoyed it/will enjoy it Kenneth Branagh? What a twit.

A sexist, misinformed, factually incorrect 'review'. Thompson sure did dislike Manson and the band.

This reviewer's opinion (who clearly doesn't like the band) is not even close to the worldwide majority of reviewer on this album. Most critics had positive things to say about all aspects of the record, particularly the singer's emotional openness and vocal versatility, the consistency, and how much rawer and simple

"Shirley Manson scrapped her solo album rather than release it on an Indie."

"Shirley Manson scrapped her solo album rather than release it on an Indie."

You laughably ignored all their points.

You laughably ignored all their points.

You're a moron. And Garbage started on an indie label that was then, by their third album, sold to major label. Bloody idiot.

You're a moron. And Garbage started on an indie label that was then, by their third album, sold to major label. Bloody idiot.

Why does the AV Club bother with bands they clearly dislike? the intro here itself is obviously full of "shade".

Why does the AV Club bother with bands they clearly dislike? the intro here itself is obviously full of "shade".

"It seems that almost all Curve fans have the same brain for God' sake!"

"It seems that almost all Curve fans have the same brain for God' sake!"

Curve fans are resentful simple and feeble-minded idiots who seem to have no ability to perceive and discriminate. You're a moron if you think Curve - who's lead singer herself called a pop band - had a "sound" or weren't influenced by and steal from a myriad of artists and bands. And you're a moron to think Garbage's

Curve fans are resentful simple and feeble-minded idiots who seem to have no ability to perceive and discriminate. You're a moron if you think Curve - who's lead singer herself called a pop band - had a "sound" or weren't influenced by and steal from a myriad of artists and bands. And you're a moron to think Garbage's

NYKP was much better than Beautiful Garbage. Not average at all.