
Their market research probably shows queer women use the products they already offer. 

Why only for men? 

The average age of a car on the road is 12.5 years old. source: https://www.roadandtrack.com/news/a43903366/average-car-age-12-years/

I cannot think of a time where I am driving the posted speed limit in a construction zone and I didn’t have some dipshit riding my ass because they didn’t think I was going fast enough. Happens in the school zone I drive through on my way to and from work, too. I’m all for automatic ticketing cameras in these zones. 

Unpopular - I use the physical buttons on my steering wheel for volume, fast forward and rewind when I’m listening to music or a podcast, and to launch Google to call someone for my via voice command. I think I’d be okay with no physical buttons for the infotainment as long as the buttons remain on the steering wheel.

I thought about getting one, but decided to wait and see what improvements there would be with the next model. I hope the bezels get smaller, it’s usable screen looks so small for the size. 


The cop is going to use the excuse that they were trying to get the scooter to pull over without using their lights and siren and causing other cars slow down or pull over and create an unsafe situation. 

The best thing that could come out of this is would be that all milks are required to be labeled by source - cow’s milk, oat milk, sheep’s milk, etc. - so we can be fucking done with it. 

No smoking is a given.

He’s a Kennedy, I understand why he doesn’t like shots.

Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling seem like they are having a blast. 

I took Link four wheeling.

an 80's limo with blue velvety upholstery

May she rest in peace. I had the pleasure of seeing her Twenty Four Seven tour and she was a phenomenal performer.

the average 3-year-old electric vehicle has been driven 9,058 miles per year

I hope The Duchess is a Time Lord. 

The thing that’s a little different is these kinds of charge points mean the cords belong to the car owner. Without some kind of locking mechanism, owners would have to replace their damaged or stolen cables themselves, is inconvenient and costly.

Happy to see Captain Mrs. McMurray back, though. 

I can’t wait for the new season.