Passive-Aggressive Passenger and Driver obviously had a tiff and Passive-Aggressive Passenger isn’t speaking to Driver.
I wish I liked the VW ID series more, but it’s just not attractive to me.
I’d say it’s different because of the workmanship and quality that goes into the watch. I feel in your example, the Tesla is closer to quartz movement - more efficient and practical without the luxury attention to detail.
Using your Rolex example, sometimes the trade-off on luxury is that it’s less practical. I’d say it’s less about the feeling of specialness than it is about prioritizing the either the craftsmanship or the aspects of the material over the practicality. You’re paying because you want that traditional mechanism. Similar…
If you’re having a conversation about a person, you’re likely using a pronoun because you don’t want to keep repeating their name. That means the person you’re talking about is known, so using they/them/their in place of gendered pronouns shouldn’t be confusing if they have made their pronouns known.
What does the term “luxury” mean to you?
Further proof the term ‘luxury’ has no real meaning.
It’s also fun to see which of your friends get upset by green text bubbles.
But the biggest problem is this whole them/theirs thing. These are plural pronouns.
That raises an interesting (to me at least) argument - should “outlaw mode/enable infractionable activity’ even be a selectable option for the occupant of a fully autonomous vehicle?
2nd Gear: I agree with their line of thinking regarding fully autonomous vehicles. An occupant with no control over the vehicle shouldn’t be responsible for it’s offenses and violations, unless they did something to its systems (either intentionally or through negligence) to cause the system failure.
This is really a bullshit response.
My weekend/at home vessel for lattes is an oversized Alice in Wonderland mug I bought at Disneyworld. It’s an unattractive shade of purple with yellow lettering that states: “I give myself very good advice... But I very seldom follow it!”. The inside is yellow with Alice holding a teacup. No one is allowed to use it…
Another heavy cream substitute (when used where it will be mixed with other ingredients) - whole milk and butter.
This is fucking disgusting. The cousin and the mother should be charged as accessories. He didn’t call because he knew he was drunk and shouldn’t have been driving, though his cop buddies would have likely covered it up on the spot.
It never occurred to me to eat the dry powder.
I live in upstate central New York and always get snow tires. I’ve always driven regular FWD cars and find it really helps my winter driving. I recommend it to anyone who’s going to be driving in the snow, whether they had AWD or not.
Yeah, absolute statements are seldom accurate.