
We need Torch to weigh in - if this car was anthropomorphized, is the middle headlight a 3rd eye or a nose?

Not the list I’d make, but I’m also not being paid for my opinions.

Death by NSU NSU

The front end is so ugly to me, especially with that hood seam that runs across the front. 

My first car was a used white Mercury LN-7 with a blue interior. I purchased it used in 1988 when I was allowed to get my driver’s license (my stepfather wouldn’t let me be on his insurance, so I had to be able to get my own car and insurance to get a license.) I think I might have paid $1000 for it. I think it was a

Does this Maverick feel the need for speed? Or has it lost that lovin' feeling?

I’d be willing to accept the “not more than you need” argument from a more affordable, practical and attractive vehicle.

My mother didn’t call me Dreamkiller for nothing. 

Is it true that studded tires are technically not legal in New York until October 16?

IMO there is nothing wrong with ‘touristy’ things. I feel if you’re spending the time and money to go someplace, then you should do the things you want to do there even of other people think it’s ‘cringe’.

Looks like my mom’s kitchen in 1993.

I'm using a system by Rubbemaid. It's a horizontal rail you can put different hooks on that and vertical supports for shelving. Makes it very easy to adjust and change as needed.

Nothing says luxury like exposed hinges you can buy in a contractor pack at Home Depot.

Yeah, it’s twice as much as a Scamp. But also:

1st Gear: So Apple Electric CUV around 2030?

I wish it was more attractive, with the sharp straight lines of many other VW models. It just looks very generic to me.

it’s very much ‘dental chair designed by someone who likes Star Trek TNG’.

I’m in favor of variety. Some days I pack a lunch and eat in the break room or desk, in nice weather I’ll go to a park. Sometimes I’ll grab something and bring it back to the office. Sometimes I’ll eat where I bought it. Rarely will it be a sit down table service place, that’s really time consuming. 

This makes thematic sense. It’s the caterpillar inside the cocoon. 

optional crystalline controls