... and on maps of Ikea (they found the exit, more efficiently than the scientists who set the task).
... and on maps of Ikea (they found the exit, more efficiently than the scientists who set the task).
Anyone else remember when Outback was the outdoorsy trim level/version?
Customer: I’d like buy a bagel with cream cheese.
A ghost town purchase seems ideal for the cash rich cult, commune or sect that wants to live off-grid. If there are decent enough wells to tap, a combination of solar and wind power for electricity could likely handle the groups needs.
She lost control and flipped the car before the officer could even make the radio call.
But that isn’t our business!
The Bronze Collection should come with a complimentary copy of Dingoes Ate My Baby’s debut LP.
I’ve always pictured Sara Lee as an old fashioned Southern woman, so she could remedy this by saying “I do declare, Peanuts!”
btw, I use Karen as a gender neutral term.
Another kitchen upgrade to consider if you’re renting longer term - add (or cover) a backsplash. DIY stores like Lowes have plastic panels with trim kits that are lightweight and easy to cut. You can mount them with 3M Command strips for easy install and removal. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can even customize…
No, I’m 5'9". My knees were brushing the back of the front seat and my head hid hit the ceiling when the Bolt met slightest bit of rough road.
Karen is tired of complaining about the unemployed on Facebook and wants to get back to complaining to the manager in person and hopefully getting them fired.
“Maybe if we turn off the lights and don’t answer the door he’ll go away.”
If scientists say it’s fine, aren’t we supposed to trust them and go along with it?
I’ve been in the rear of the current Bolt. If the Bolt EUV has more leg room, even if it’s a few inches, it’s worth the price increase.
I bet it could also be used to make some fun cookies. One kind of cookie dough outside, like a chocolate, and one in the middle, like chocolate chip. chill the log, slice it and bake.
I’d imagine hiring any woman in Hollywood would qualify.
I’m glad people like it, but I don’t see anything appealing in the design. It’s fine.