

In the end, aero, crash standards, and cooling requirements mean you generally need a hood,

Valid, but current production (that I’d assume meets minimum safety standards) is limited to very expensive sport coupes. The ones that are made by the manufacturers that make ‘regular’ cars still have a mostly traditional layout with a sizeable front end before you get to the passenger compartment.

How are you now when you’re sick? Do you like to be left alone or coddled?

yeah, remember windows didn’t have such high sills?

I like the e:prototype more than the Breeze (which just looks like a CR-V with a mild facelift.)

The two genders of rugged individualists - SUV and 4 door pick-up.

Where the new design? It’s a perfectly fine looking sedan, but I see nothing new of exciting.

I’m all for people enjoying what they enjoy. I’m glad it brings you pleasure. 

Different/unusual designs will need to have a different safety architecture for front end collisions than the traditional front engine-centric designs we’re used to. Rear and side probably isn’t as much of a factor.

The “I’m not comfortable” excuse isn’t going to mean much if they are on your social media and seen you posting about about how you’re vaccinated and looking forward to all doing all the activities you’ve suspended for the past 13+ months.

The average driver can’t handle how responsive and fast modern automobiles have become.

We just can't have nice things.

My question is how does the mileage get tracked and charged?

... covered by a road usage/vehicle miles traveled charge, where taxes are assessed based on how many miles a vehicle is driven (possibly also with a multiplier for larger vehicles). The bill itself does not provide for this, though there are separate efforts in Washington State to implement a road usage fee.

I’m from upstate NY. The first time I was in NJ I was around 20. I stopped to get gas, got out of my car and some middle-aged dude starts yelling “Get back in your fucking car, idiot!”

I hope it works out for you.

My life hack: launder sheets the day (or day before) you are changing the your bed linens.

Would you need a truck cap for that? Wouldn’t a bed cover do the trick?