
My brother in law and his family live in Collegeville, and the traffic in that area whenever we are there is insane. Development after development has been built, but so many of the roads are still the narrow two lanes that have been there for 100 years.

Neutral - my commute is about 10-15 minutes, depending on when I time it. I worked from home for about 9 weeks when this all started, but my company’s culture is very much “out of sight, out of mind”. People here balk at calling or e-mailing someone who they would normally talk to in person.

I don’t remember any trauma, but I only rode the school bus for kindergarten and first grade when we lived out in the country. After we moved back into the city (it’s more of a bedroom community) I walked to school from 2nd grade until graduating from high school, because we always lived within the 1 mile area around

Everyone would say it wasn’t enough or as good as a Tesla.

If I bought a Jeep Wagoneer, I'd name it Lyle. Lyle Wagoneer.

This seems like the kind of thing that would be good for crowded city centers, where it’s going to be a pain to move your truck often. You park the truck, load up the goods for that area on this and away you go. Seems like it would be good for large office complexes, airports, etc. 

I’m going to be a buzzkill and say he’s got the right to be offended and sue. Some of this stuff could cause a lot of problems for him at work if they are really uptight.

Remind him that he doesn’t eat the seafood dish he always orders and tell him to get something you like, too. Suggest he get something like a shrimp eggroll to satisfy his longing for seafood.

Great. That seemed necessary. 

I think it’s kind of a smart move. Let companies take the hit of getting mainstream buyers used to the idea of an EV, come in later to the party with their version - one that has Toyota’s reputation behind it. 

I may be alone in this, but I really don’t like the lack of integration with the hood and the body lines. Those gaps stand out and look really ugly.

In Lansdale, PA there is a Forty Foot Rd. In nearby Harleysville, PA there is Old Forty Foot Rd.

The ID.4 needs something to set it more apart from the pack.

It’s also an MP3 player you can buy at the drug store. 

Looking at the vehicle makes me think it’s designers said “How much can we make an SUV evoke the aesthetic of a cheap early 2000's electronic gadget”

I live in NY, and at the time if you had your license as a teen you either needed to be on a parent’s insurance or have your own car and insurance. My mom didn’t drive (still doesn’t) and my stepfather said I could never drive his car. I went ahead and got my permit so I could take driver’s ed in summer school that’s

I love the idea of city cars like this, but I think the only way that can work in US cities would be if those cities banned vehicles over a certain size. That’s not likely to happen. 

I am team Thin Mints.

I would want the Kennedy/LBJ walls and curtains, the HW Bush rug and the Obama furniture. 

I don’t know if I’d call it beloved or classic, but when I see the EV shapes, I think of the Dodge Omni/Plymouth Horizon twins. They were of course copied from other cars, like the VW Rabbit, but I’d like to see VW do a Beetle EV.