
Very big stretch between “dancer in a cult is in a Toyota ad” to “Toyota may have gotten involved with a cult.”

Hot take. Nothing. All controls that aren’t directly related to driving should be on touch screen and locked when in motion. You should set your AC, radio, naivgation, etc before you start moving. You shouldn’t be making phone calls or fiddling with anything when driving.

Internships are the key (and I think that’s not just applicable to engineers or automotive OEMs, but anyone and any company). I was able to get a job as an engineer at a major automotive manufacturer by getting experience through internships/co-op programs. If you can’t get one in the company you want, branch out to

I really wasn’t looking for a new job, but I got recruited by another company earlier in the month. I unsuccessfully negotiated the compensation package (they stopped all communication when I sent my counter which was kind of a dick move). I still wasn’t really looking for a new job, but a friend got me on to