Guy in his Mom's basement

I mean heat and compression therapy, consuming electrolytes and resistance training are all going to make you feel better, and people certainly spend far more money on shit that is way less effective and potentially bad for you (chiropractic work for one), so it’s not as though the article is patently false. The brain

Still can’t believe they let him go. I figured he had another 7-9 seasons left in him.

Maaaaaaybe when you were like 5 I hope.

Lamar partied hard. SAS is a dick but he wasn’t lying and isn’t getting sued and losing.

Having listened to the attached clip I believe the targets of his ire was as follows: The English language, the person in charge of mic levels on First Take, and everyone waiting for their car to get fixed across America.

A boat’s a boat, but a mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!

As a Pens fan, I’m going to miss the current tradition of Fleury losing his job every postseason.

No, he’s right. It’s popular enough, but people don’t tune in to watch random Royals/Tigers games the way they would turn in to watch any random NFL game. They follow their team, and if they’re really into fantasy, the teams their players are on, but most people aren’t compelled to watch any game that happens to be on

Nice low-hanging-fruit race baiting. I knew someone would. I hate all players that act the way he does - Matt Cooke is a good example. He just happens to better at hockey than he was, and gets brownie points for charitable acts that people somehow think gives him license to goon it up on the ice as much as he wants

Agreed. There are many such cases that are hard to forget. One of the biggest, to me, was never, ever writing about hockey until the Bruins got to the Stanley Cup finals, then writing a long treatise on how Bruins’ ownership had pushed him away for many years with terrible management, but now he was coming back. It

Did they pay you to come on?

“more than half of us”

What we need is Vince McMahon to create the XLB where when you’re on the basepaths, anything goes. Hard slide, dragon punch, or take the SS out with a well executed spear. Fielders carry a nightstick. And if you wuss out with a concussion you get blasted with a heater in the ribs on your next at bat.

Baseball has been played for over 100 years the exact same way...

Dumbest comment. Yes, let’s nuke a whole country based on not liking some things. By this measure, fuck it let’s burn the world down and end it.

The team sending people to his apartment and their insistence that he was at home just adds to that. I’m dead certain that one was the cable guy and the other was delivering pizza.

I dislike Simmons as much as the next Deadspin Commenter, but this pretty clearly reads to me as him being pissed that bystanders let this go on.

Boston sports fans, a least a lot of them, are townie losers who are essentially new england hicks. I still remember the Subban stuff.

Breaking News: Mike Milbury is an asshole.

If you’re so firmly conservative that your mind goes immediately to “ESPN’s liberal agenda is killing them!”, you are likely a strong supporter of Fox News. If you have Fox News, you have cable. And if you have cable...you’re paying ESPN like $80 a year even if you never touch the channel.