Guy in his Mom's basement

Um, no. 1 beer per hour generally equals .02, so thats like 5 beers in an hour.

The LA team comes back and beats the Dallas team in the 2003 soccer championship thingy.

Probably the most sincere thing to ever come out of Goodells mouth

Honestly - am I the only one who thinks Tirico is boring as a play by play guy? Or maybe its just ESPNs coverage of the games in general? The MNF games on ESPN always have a intramural high school game feel.

You must be new to gawker

I guess Cam heard Chris Harris’ press conference in the 4th quarter of the game too, because his attitude was also crappy then.

Cam was right - he’s definitely not like any QB we’ve seen before

Hernandez gets a big contract and then is charged with murder shortly after...giving Kraft the out he was looking for. Coincidence??? The Manitowoc PD wasn’t even supposed to be a part of the investigation!!!

All of Kinja missed the joke it seems. Probably because the joke sucked.

“See, I told you no one has ever died from marijuana.”

So everyone realizes things like “the abraham lincoln” and “the poltergeist” arent things either of them made up, right? Whats next, someone says they stole “the dirty sanchez?”

“Tom Brady’s a great player. Bill Bellichick is a great coach.”

Same. If it wasnt for the Rangers (MSG), I could pretty much go without cable. Im sure James Dolan is sitting on a pile of money right now, laughing about this fact, as he skins and eats live puppies.

I agree with all your points, except season long fantasy being fun.

“When can I try out for the team?”

Clearly, Roy misremembers the information

What a marketing blunder - white pride folks dont watch “urban” sports

“Ya got money for fake mustaches, but you dont have money to pay the bill?”