
I would “Walk This Way” “To The Other Side” “If That’s What It Takes” to restore this van. Call me “Crazy” but “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing”. “Dude” “This thing can “Come Together” with “Sweet Emotion” if we can get Steven Tyler “Back In The Saddle” of this old ride. Maybe I’m “Jaded” by “The Same Old Song and Dance”

People have died testing this software. Tesla owner are beta testers.

That’s the New Jersey edition. Needs a loudspeaker to scream obscenities and “shooting the finger” semaphore flag.

Dear Tesla, Show me Autopilot calmly plowing through a February snow storm in the hateful, pre-dawn darkness of a Detroit commute or fuck off with this.

Well, somebody has to soak up all those Saturn customers...

For the record, I am completely willing to take deer jerky as partial trade on any car I am selling.

Buy low, sell high.

Of course people are scared of autonomous cars. That’s because, despite the fact the NO COMPANY OUT THERE says their system is ready for full autonomous use, when an accident happens the media is super to quick to point out that said system was in use. How many accidents happen every day that no one hears anything

Many/most of the train accidents over the past 5ish years would have been prevented by implementing better technology that most other first world countries already employ.

I’m still far more scared of human drivers because goddamn are they bad.

That’s a garbage argument since trains are STILL safer than human driven cars. I don’t have current stats to compare, but I’d guess that autonomous vehicles are comparable if not safer still than trains.

As someone who commutes into Boston every day, autonomous cars would have to run down 3 pedestrians every time out before I trusted them less than the average commuter in this city.

People will die in self driving cars. People will be killed by software and hardware failures. No doubt about it. We have to remember that just over 2000 people a month are being killed in old fashioned human-driver vehicles right now. People are driving drunk, falling asleep at the wheel, playing with their phones

Of course people are getting scared of autonomous vehicles. Everyone and their cousin is fear mongering this shit. They appeal to several different fears that consumers have: safety, jobs, ownership, control, and I’m sure there are others as well.

Well the real problem is those companies willing to throw half-backed systems on the road and that have been so far quite unapologetic about it. Tesla keeps blaming the users and Uber has create a division out of nowhere, remember the “safety third” joke.

The biggest takeaway from this story is that Atlanta airport security SUCKS.

So if you came to me after identifying a bottle neck in your supply chain and your risk mitigation plan relies on a 1 of 1 airplane... I’m still firing you.

As a person who lives and breaths logistics, the fact that this had to happen in the first place showed a huge oversight on the part of some sort of director of operations type person. You identify your points of failure and you mitigate risk with stock or alternate supply chain options.

I’m all for Darwinism

Well, yeah, but other than that it sounds like a good idea.