
If you can find like a small theater that is run by volunteers, they often won’t allow that. Count Basie theater in Red Bank NJ is awesome because it’s run by a foundation or something and they have real ushers who will shut filming down instantly. Makes your night much better.

It’s not just car culture. Have you been to a concert lately?

I don’t think I’m a wine snob but I tried a $6 bottle of Yellowtail Chard and it went straight down the drain. It tasted like bad grape juice with zero complexity and too much sugar. I’m not sure it was just a bad bottle (wasn’t corked) or if some wines are just that bad.

Puh-lease. Can we turn back the clock to Nov. 8th, 2016? Because the rest of this is a total fucking lost cause now.

We’ve got a broken political system that’s much too focused on all the wrong things. Namely, everything except what the people want.

can’t cross...a golf course

Idiot + alcohol = A lethal combination

The solution would be for Apple to make it so that video only records when the phone is horizontal. But that’ll never happen, since Apple makes first class products for the lowest common denominator.

Every time the truck drifted out of frame because the frame is too narrow I nearly shouted at the screen. Plus the shaky video because one-handed when in landscape it would have likely been a two-handed recording.

This is never going to solved by changing human behavior (which is notoriously difficult to fix). Phones are just naturally held better upright. This is a problem that needs to be solved by device manufacturers. Just film the thing in landscape, regardless of how the device is being held.

If that’s what they think is a flying car hasn’t someone already invented it?

Airbus Plans To Test It’s ‘Flying Car’ Huge Drone with Storage Compartment For A Human By End of 2017

Quite the opposite. They were more than likely very good pilots. They just happened to be good pilots who were partaking in an extremely high risk activity. The implication is that they rolled the dice and came up snake eyes.

Note to self: Don’t buy a plane whose designer and chief engineer died flying that plane.

So a relatively inexperienced pilot turns up the wrong canyon and bounces of a rock wall and it’s the THIRD CRASH FOR NEW RECREATIONAL PLANE. No, Justin, it’s the third crash for some pilots who fucked up. I read about people who die on the highway because someone did something stupid and hardly ever is there a lovely

Maybe he went on sick leaf

Jon Wagner, who joined Tesla in 2013, worked as the team leader for battery pack design engineering at the automaker and helped develop technology in the Model S, X, and 3, according to his LinkedIn profile. He also served as Tesla’s interim director for battery manufacturing, body engineering and computer aided

Now playing

I REALLY am loathe to defend Trump, but video CLEARLY shows Abe doing it first. This is why alt-right idiots bleat on about fake news.

Come on, dude, on any other site they might be allowed to call him a madman. But here? Wouldn’t he just be a regular Jalop?

Having never been to automotive school, I can’t even comprehend what goes into figuring out how this engine would fit into that chassis.