Congratulations, Hyundai Mobis! You’ve just doubled the cost of the sunroof option solely to protect non-seatbelt-users from themselves! What’re you gonna do with the Stupid Cup you just won?
She’s gawt an ahmadillo down ‘er trousers.
Exactly. Hypocrites, all of them. They hate the guy for whatever reason they can follow for that moment in time, but my god he’s made them way more money in the last year than dumbo did in 8 years. No doubt every single one of them smiles when they get their retirement statement in the mail or check the stocks for the…
Tesla could achieve enconomies of scale. But they’re competing directly with companies that are already reaaaaaly good at doing that and who are also developing the same technology. Tesla didn’t even move to protect their IP.
It’s alarming how prevalent this is everywhere. Twitter also stands out as a company that has never had a profitable year, yet is valued in the billions.
Yeah sure they could have stayed an online book retailer. Instead they transformed the way we consume everything, from groceries to entertainment. That’s what the investors saw, and it’s why they invested heavily in massively loss-making activities, because the endgame was complete market disruption and dominance.
Tesla’s success is hinged on the fact that it’s an elusive option that many are hoping becomes affordable (via model 3) without realizing that the tech on batteries really hasn’t kept up to the pace of the rest of our demands. In simplest terms, batteries cost too much economically and environmentally with too little…
Any article making such declarative claims should be written by (or at least run by—what happened to journalism?) a professional in venture capital and technology company valuation. The little bits cribbed from the source article in the Economist show clearly what the business strategy is for brands like Amazon,…
Also, then we get Pence.
Hackett claims Price told her, “You will love my dick” (reportedly a reference to another Amazon series I Love Dick). Later, at the party, Price allegedly came up to Hackett and loudly exclaimed “Anal sex!” in her ear.
Saw this yesterday and was delighted! I had no idea this guy existed, and it turns out he’s full of wonderful trivia like this! I write a lot of fanfiction for a medieval fantasy series (you can probably guess which one if you know my username) and now I’m going to be devouring his videos so I can be a more accurate…
Totally bullshit explanation of torque and power. The notion that torque is about the performance at low rpm and that power is about performance at high rpm is a very popular notion but it is totally a CONTRIVANCE. That’s right folks, the most popular belief about torque and power, that is expounded routinely by…
So, it is going to be not-really-any-better than several other electric cars, but cost 3x as much. Your Apple car is here!
Really? A plastic drone that weighs nothing caused “serious damage” to a mighty war machine which purpose is to operate and survive under heavy fire ? Made “dents” in the armored fuselage and a bulletproof window? I hit a Phantom head-on with my car on race track, doing around 100mph at the time. Ended up with…
I grew up in Flint. Uncles and aunts worked for GM - so obviously they were UAW. I remember my uncles staying at home sleeping all day while their buddies clocked them in and out. It took a couple years, but GM finally caught on to this, so then they started a massive crackdown in plants to make sure those workers…
You’re on point with this. Also, it provides an asylum for underperforming employees. Not the ones that genuinely need help to catch up to speed, but the ones that think they can fuck off and get away with it. The result is shitty products that can’t compete, but you are still bound by union contract, so you can’t…
The UAW have themselves to blame. They have created a “Us vs Them” mentality between auto works and manufacturers over the years. The “I’ll take this company down if they don’t give me what I want” mentality is so ingrained in the UAW membership, why on Earth would any auto manufacturer want them? Why did the lose…