
Good catch on the Aeroflot incident. Yeah, that’s why I like pilots to pilot my airplane. (Insert some nonsense here about how Everything is Automated and the kid couldn’t really crash the plane and....oh, what does this button do? Oh it disconnects the autopilot?....)

Can we stop saying “minimalist” when we mean “spartan?”

Exactly. This isn’t just another article of many in Jalopnik crusade to tarnish and take down anything connected to Italy or the FCA brand.

This is reductionist sillyness.

Firstly, do not confuse the garbage that Tesla makes as anything resembling safe autonomous driving software.

I also don’t trust other drivers, which is precisely why I support autonomous driving systems.

But.... but... that means the driver would be responsible for his actions! Like, consequences. It surely has to be someone else’s fault!

Yes this driver is an idiot.

It’s looks like he did it on his own Accord. Haha, get it, Accord...wait....

Thank you for this awesome article. I feel like I should go drive my Z this weekend now.

And now Nissan is making sure to rectify that “mistake” by not making another Z.

Two men dressed in pilots’ uniforms walk up the aisle of the aircraft. Both are wearing dark glasses, one is using a guide dog, and the other is tapping his way along the aisle with a cane.

Nervous laughter spreads through the cabin, but the men enter the cockpit the door closes, and the engines start up. The

Jalopnik, Gizmodo, The Root etc etc are equivalent to Us Weekly and other such trash magazines. It is all fluff. There is barely any substance. All of them consistently get facts wrong. Half the time the comment section ends up being the one to edit the final draft of the “article”. It is best to take them all with a

That was a bad joke, but funny. Thanks for the laugh.

This reminds me of one of my favorite plane-related jokes. There are a lot of plane-related jokes, so you know this one has to be good.

There seems to be a lot of conjecture that this can’t support a heavy tv. However, modern TVs weight less than 40-50 lbs and you have eight or more nails holding the bracket. That means each nail only has to support about 5-6 lbs.

There seems to be a lot of conjecture that this can’t support a heavy tv. However, modern TVs weight less than 40-50

I can’t keep quiet about this anymore.

Most automakers have spent the last decade or so harmonizing a good part of their lineups across international markets. There’s no way most of them would suddenly start putting different engines in their cars just because the US suddenly relaxes their emissions standards. Especially when there’s a good chance the

That would be correct sir. Guilty as charged and proud of it.

Well, it’s the first time he’s managed to withdraw quick enough!