
Jason, these are good words in good combinations. Thank you for this explanation.

Hasn’t the point of automation always been to make life easier and decrease costs? I’m no industry expert, but I would guess cost of living is inversely proportional to automation. If things become cheaper to move, they will be cheaper to buy. If things are cheaper to buy you won’t need to earn as much. And we will

Imagine your boss pulling out his phone and saying “We’ll just Uber Freight it”. Then pulls up the Uber Freight app on his phone.

None of her friends changed their minds, she just wants to feel special and enlightened. She’s full of shit. She only changed her mind because she realized she’d die if she didn’t, not because she ACTUALLY CARES about anyone else but herself. Don’t fucking fool yourself. She lacks empathy.

It’s not merely “stupid”.

Driving in the front seat isn’t age related after 8. It’s related to the child’s weight and height. Has to do with the airbags sensing if someone is sitting in the passenger seats.

At least he can drive a car unlike our esteemed HillDawg

I can remember one I think it was for the Malibu where the car is de-badged and one of the “real” people claims they think the car is “a mix between a Tesla and a BMW.”

Great, now they’re gonna do special editions of all these images and “correct” it. The original will be scrubbed from the internet and in 20 years people will be clamoring for the despecialized edition.

What’s even more disconcerting, the Verge reported that Chao reiterated her point later with an even more bizarre remark, saying: “a level two [car] is probably safer than a level five or a level four self-driving car.”

Wait, is somebody actually trying to solve a problem before it gets out of hand and the government has to get involved? Are they allowed to do that?

To be completely accurate, Peak Oil won’t really happen when there’s Not One Drop of oil left - there will always be oil in the Earth, probably lots of it.

Any man, including the pilot, that did not call this garden gnome on his bad behavior is a hamster. When did men start being so weak? My money is on the hero. Go big Daddy!

Woman was trying to travel with what looked like twin toddlers/babies—one in a car seat, one in her arms, and an older child. I can only imagine how tired she is in general, and then to have Douchey McDoucheface wrestle the stroller away from her after she was told by a different flight attendant that she could try

The article mostly discusses what Russia or China could do to sink one. It totally overlooks what we have been, and likely will continue using them for. That is to project air superiority over a country with little to no navy of their own. The ability to launch planes and attacks when no friendly air base is available

I knew I’d heard of this before. Here’s a review I found when I got curious about how it works vs. how the bags coffee comes in works, and discovered it’s really just a bunch of voodoo and mumbo jumbo. A lot of their claims don’t even make sense: http://www.frcndigital.com/coffee/friis.html

I knew I’d heard of this before. Here’s a review I found when I got curious about how it works vs. how the bags

CO2 is not the problem - oxygen is. Freshly-roasted beans vent CO2 though, which is why valves are needed on coffee bags used by roasters - so the escaping gases don’t bust the bag open (or break your canister, jar, etc.)

CO2 is not the problem - oxygen is. Freshly-roasted beans vent CO2 though, which is why valves are needed on coffee

Part of the sous-vide process is searing at the end.

Part of the sous-vide process is searing at the end.

I didn’t even want to go into the humanitarian missions they, apparently, didn’t contribute anything to since WWII ended... as are part of a Carrier Group’s stated task and purpose. Hey, speaking of task and purpose... this is basically a cut/paste from a taskandpurpose.com article from last week.

Your definition of “used in battle” is fairly exclusionary of the last 70+ years of carrier history, and their air-wing’s contributions to the Korean, Vietnam, Cold, and Gulf wars... not to mention GWOT. But don’t let that get in the way of your narrative.

You are right, there is no “if”. There were two seperate attempts to secure wire taps in Trump Tower from a FISA court. One was even rejected. In a court where over 95% of wire taps are granted, the obama DOJ had a request denied!