But this is Trump, and anything Trump does is bad to the folks at Gawker.
But this is Trump, and anything Trump does is bad to the folks at Gawker.
For the record, I think he was praised in most parts for the tone in his speech before Congress.
Thats before Trump, now whatever he says, they automatically attack. He could cure cancer, and the media would say how awful trump is for destroying healthcare jobs.
Speed is cool, but seeing today’s 80%+ bypass turbofan engines is like a miracle of engineering. In layman’s terms, early commercial jets shot nothing but hot air out the back, along with lots of pollution and noise. Today, almost all of the thrust comes from the engine core driving a shaft to the front of the engine…
But on the bright side - if the cops try and push you off the road, the resulting explosion will help hide the dead bodies in the back…
Glad everything turned out ok, but let’s not pretend those German Typhoons were there to ensure the safety of the flight and its passengers.
You are well into tin foil hat territory. Reagan wasn’t mentally incapacitated when he was elected. George Bush was an excellent President by most metrics. Quayle never ran for President. Bush lost to Clinton, Clinton was challenge by Dole in the 2nd election. Then Bush again and McCain still seems alive, healthy, and…
But, you know, given that they could’ve smashed into a nice piece of America, you’d think Prime Minister Teresa May could’ve said, “Our bad. We ain’t tryin’ to kill y’all. We just fucked up. We still good, right?”
that alignment... though... all without rear view cameras.
Honestly, that’s what impressed me about the video. The ability of the drivers to back arrow straight for a significant distance all the while doing precision application of material. That is impressive.
I’m pretty sure that has more to do with dealerships than it does conservatives.
Thanks for posting this; the fact that so many people don’t understand Trump isn’t going to hand back power EVER is making me deranged. If he loses he’ll say the vote is rigged—-and he’ll say it’s totally possible the vote was rigged because the Russians were able to do it. (And no, the media will not comment on…
And I’m in the middle of the country, and my state went the other way. Does that mean I get to whine and call everyone names because they live closer to the coast?
What a shock, a liberal can’t accept the opinions of others.
and every time a lefty gets pulled kicking and screaming from their safe space, they blame “trumpets”, racists, misogynists, and uneducated people for the fact that their own party tanked the election and someone put it all out there in the interwebs for the world to read.. ...
Oh, you must mean how WIKILEAKS exposed the Democrats’ rigging — yes, RIGGING — of the election. #FIFY :-)
Moron, drives like moron.
The guy has the wherewithal to film in landscape, in a life threatening situation, and it gets posted in vertical.
I see the Tesla haters are out in full force tonight. What does he have to do to make you people happy? Autopilot was fine before this update. If it wasn’t for people not paying attention this would never have been a problem.