Umpqua Community College itself wasn’t a gun-free zone. Oregon is one of seven states that allow guns on college campuses—the consequence of a 2011 court decision that overturned a longstanding ban. In 2012, the state board of education introduced several limitations on campus carry, but those were not widely enforced
no it wasnt
Why would you blame gun laws? The guy was mentally ill. He, his mother and his counselor/Dr./Priest/Pastor should have the support and freedom to intervene and provide help. This is a heart issue, not an issue about guns.
They should replace his actual picture with this and also not use his name.
There’s no way there were people with concealed guns on campus, because if there were this would have never happened.
My girlfriend is a really bad loser. If she plays a game for the first time and she loses, chances are I will never be able to play with her again. This is why I’m looking for games where you cooperate (like The Grizzled, which I’ll purchase now).
Heavily biased article, and one that doesn’t accurately represent where those politicians stand on those policies. For abortion, yeah, they want to stop killing babies. They believe the life of a baby supersedes the right of the mother when she is deciding to have sex. Most people on that stage suggest that you limit…
People who do this need to be made an example of in the worst fucking way.
I been around fires with helicopters working, but I can’t imagine what its like having this bad boy making low passes every now and then.
Looks like they had almost everything type of aerial resource working.
The town of Chelan in central Washington state is currently under evacuation orders as wildfires sparked by…
I didn’t say that they did. They’re even worse. I would love a president with a military background. They actually know to lead even if shit does hit the fan.
I assume he’ll have no problems writing up a similar summary after the Democratic Party primaries.
As far as his opening statement about how the military is not there to transform the culture by “trying out some ideas people think would make us a different country and more diverse.” This is a pretty narrow and historically troubling point of view. Just read about these guys whose level of service was also seen as a…
Or if you know anything at all about statistics, you’d realize that the most likely place for an accident in this situation is over the deepest, darkest part of the IO.
Réunion Island, east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean, has become the focal point of global scrutiny as a suspected …
The dawn of the jet age saw the skies near major airports raked with thick black smoke trails. These exhaust plumes…