U.S. Navy SEALs have to infiltrate and exfiltrate from some of the most hostile areas on earth, and often times they…
U.S. Navy SEALs have to infiltrate and exfiltrate from some of the most hostile areas on earth, and often times they…
A human brain is still vastly superior at problem solving than AI would be in this realm. When looking at individual combat techniques, I’m sure an AI would win over a human in every category. But if an AI isn’t programmed to handle every scenario, and it isn’t programmed to learn from previous scenarios, there will…
I’m sorry, but your argument is wrong from start to finish. First, there is a manned aircraft that can clearly outmatch an F16 and F16 — the F22. Air combat performance isn’t just about how much G an aircraft can pull. It is also about how much energy it loses in a turn, how quickly it can accelerate at what altitude,…
The F-15SA is the most advanced production F-15 Eagle ever built. Saudi Arabia ordered 84 new build F-15SAs and…
I mean, if people don’t want to vaccinate their kids, they don’t have to - this bill isn’t requiring compulsory vaccinations. You can still choose not to vaccinate your children so long as you home school them and keep them out of daycare, right? Seems fair to me. I would guess that many courts would view preventing…
California Governor Jerry Brown has signed SB 277 into law, which will require the vast majority of children to be…
Adding, I’m sick of everyone cute or pretty or beautiful or sexy being “hot.” Off-topic, as it wasn’t used here, but mentioned in solidarity.
Minecraft is a game we’ve seen countless times before. And yet! The virtual reality demo showcased by Microsoft…
Alright, ignore that this is a terrible ad from Samsung, a massive South Korean multinational conglomerate that also …