Please thank your aunt for voting for Trump!
Please thank your aunt for voting for Trump!
Not in our lifetime. My wife is Canadian and can tell you ALL about how their system sucks! Thanks God for Trump.
Obamacare is a smoking piece of shit... and is collapsing.
Baron is way above average in height for his age.
The only thing more annoying than this place is your writing style. Also, learn when and how to properly use the word “actual”.
OK, so is NASA good enough for you?
1) There has only been a little over a degree in warming in 157 years, well withing the range of natural variability. 2) All of the climate model predictions have been very wrong. They have no credibility. 3) The y axis is set to show how little warming there has been in a scale that makes sense in relationship to the…
It shows how little change there has been to the average temp of the earth in spite of all the CO2 we have added to the atmosphere. Global warming alarmism.
On Eve of DC climate march, drought drops to record lows in U.S. as nearly all extreme weather is either declining or at or near record lows (See: Climate Bullies Take to the Streets for ‘People’s Climate March’ in DC on April 29th’)
Well-written comment! Extra star for the name: Douchey McDoucheface. Another star for: Dude needs to be working as a light house attendant. I will be using these in the future with your permission!
Learn-up before you display your ignorance.
Learn-up before you display your ignorance.
Hey, we agree on something. PBS & NPR don’t need the money. I have been through their facilities in D.C. They are first class. I worked with the head of PBS on video engineering when I managed a group of video compression scientists at AT&T.
More good news for losers like you...
Your ignorance is breathtaking... but of course you get your fake news from CNN. Not surprising given your low I.Q. Here is law so you can learn something today:
That’s what the Supreme Court is for loser. Trump will install at least two if not more textualist judges, maybe more. This will shape the court for decades. Me thinks your ilk will be the loser.