Sad... tomato...
You realize your ranting is a clear indication of your sad state of low self-esteem and self-loathing. I sincerely feel sorry for you.
LOL, you don’t realize that you are the troll here. You couldn’t beat me at checkers let alone chess. You are a loser and this is your theme song:
You are a sad soul. God save that people that have to deal with you.
I find it funny and sad on your part that when you are wrong on a point you head straight for calling the person with whom you disagree a troll. Since you have not studied economics you are not qualified to comment on economic issues. Your points are bogus.
I am not trying to argue with you, I am debating and so far winning as you still have not confirmed whether or not you have any comprehension of basic economics. Oh, and for the “people who vote for Trump are stupid” idea. Trump just announced this afternoon that he is going drive down the size of most, if not all,…
I don’t know what kind of work you do but if you are around other people they must find you really pleasant company. I am confident your job has no requirement to comprehend economics.
So you are confirming you have not studied economics as I have. I’m in the 5% range too. Making a good income is not necessarily related to a working knowledge of economics as your case demonstrates.
Are you blind? The climate models are complete crap!
Let us know when you finally take Econ 101 course.
Our new head of the EPA begs to disagree with you. Fortunately he is running the new EPA. BTW, I’m sure you agree with cutting federal funds to sanctuary cities... right?
Fortunately Trump is President and you are not. The number of charter schools is going to increase dramatically helping thousands of inner city poor, especially black children. DeVos is going to clip the wings of the Dept. of Ed and send control and money back to the states. Meanwhile the EPA is going to reformed to…
And... I see no data to support your assertions.
Your points are nonsense. Trump is not cutting funding to education. I am starting to think you are either a troll or a bot... or both.
Are you off your meds again?
One word: ROBOTS!
The GOP doesn’t control unions, they workers still have the right to vote them in. Problem is these days they ain’t voting union so much.
Reform? OK, IRS - reduce the tax code, reduce taxes, Immigration - seal the border, get rid of sanctuary cities, Supreme Court - put constitutionalists on the bench. Does that clear it up for you?