We already have Obama who lied about Obamacare. You can keep your doctor etc. etc.
“Can’t Take Off Good”? Please get an editor to help with your writing.
Your arrogance is the reason you lost. People are sick of it.
Your arrogance is the reason you lost. People are sick of it.
Your arrogance is the reason you lost. People are sick of it.
Your arrogance is the reason you lost. People are sick of it.
Please leave then...
Yeah, I think not. The economy is going to soar with the Trump administration. You lost, get over it.
Yeah, I think not. The economy is going to soar with the Trump administration. You lost, get over it.
Yeah, I think not. The economy is going to soar with the Trump administration. You lost, get over it.
The Dems instituted the nuclear option in the senate so now only 51 votes are needed to confirm. Thanks Harry Reid!!
Gotta say, you’re a piece of work. It has already been announced to the chagrin of the MSM. There are a lot of people running around with their hair on fire. All the new guy is going to do is enforce the current laws and have Trump nullify Obama’s executive orders. Once the wall (fence) is up the Pubs can then develop…
You do know who the next head of the EPA is going to be, right? Love it.
I am taking some down-time before my trip to the Galápagos Islands to engage with creatures that have evolved a bit more than you. BTW, I am on Gizmodo which shares some posts with the lady site you seem to enjoy.
The President elect says the pipeline will be competed soon!
What is funny is you don’t know who I am or my age. You would be surprised I am sure. I am certainly not a snowflake, LOL! After a few startups, I have to time for the pleasure of interacting with delightful people such as you.
Protest away... the pipeline is 99% complete and will be flowing oil before the middle of next year. Make America Great Again. I hope the door doesn’t hit Obama in the ass on his way out.
Yeah, a lot of bad shit happened a long time ago. I agree. But the land is now private, the pipeline is 99% complete and it will be finished and online before the end of 2017. Remember I said that when it happens.