A Dodge slant six is the only car I could swap the starter from under the hood.
A Dodge slant six is the only car I could swap the starter from under the hood.
Those both look unfinished.
They also don’t drive as well.
“There is no adequate replacement for cubic inches or cubic dollars.”
“There is no adequate replacement for cubic inches or cubic dollars.”
I remember the Carter administration tried to build a safer motorcycle and had the most unstable piece of shit since Buckminster Fuller thought he could design a car.
If course something weird from Cardiff because Torchwood.
Anyone else think the guy in rappelling gear looks like a young Chris Pratt?
Like a rollercoaster loop you keep it under 1 g it’s ok.
*stuck key*
If you loose enough money the casinos give you stuff like this for free, just to keep coming back and loosing big.
He took off the training wheels too soon.
New engine parts ARE pretty, and I’ve spent as much time staring at them as installing them. Almost a shame to get them dirty.
What is this, Wembley Tennis?
Brave stand Jason. I hope one day in your honor a kid you inspired will review an old well preserved Tesla saying “Who thought this crap was a good idea?”
It looks very similar.
It looks as if it doesn’t have to use that much nose up unless you need to make a full vertical take off/ landing.
Typical management logic, get rid of the people who do the work.
Shit’s worth big money.