Timothy Burks

Kind of like the guy who said he was not driving he was traveling.

What if you don’t know any Dianes ?

Yes, good yoke joke.

I remember in the 50's a steering yoke was a thing of the future. They also predicted bubble tops. The Future ain’t what it used to be.

“Modern cars. They all look like electric shavers.” Marv Sin City

I was more concerned how he ran flat out on someone’s ass and was well clear when they ran into something. Movie magic. 

Depends on the engine. A top fueler is on the edge normally, a blown street engine has a lot less boost pressure. In truth it looks cool but wouldn’t work that well. Another movie blower was Lone Wolf McQuade Dodge with a Paxton supercharger.

At the time (1978) an engine builder told me that it existed.

Dajiban is just how it sounds when they say Dodge van.

Dajiban is just how it sounds when they say Dodge van.

Now playing

“You went and did it again” reminded me of something.

Now playing

“You went and did it again” reminded me of something.

Search “hentaishiyou” and see what comes up.