
You do remember Taylor just released a bunch of crap with snake imagery, all in a response to Twitter posting snake emojis to her, right? So, Imma guess Tay cares. A lot. Also, she won? At what? This “sick” burn- “I don’t like you”? Oooh. Ouch. Get Kanye, Kim, and Katy some aloe.

Right. It’s not like bitch where the whole point is “well what’s wrong with being an outspoken woman” or queer when the point is “well, so what if I’m outside the heteronormative lines?”

Apparently she’s tired of being called a snake and now she’s “reclaiming” it? lol

What does it mean though?
Taylor is not to be fucked with?
“You come at the Queen, you best not miss”?
“You’re damn right I ordered that Code Red!”

Because if theres one thing that comes to mind when I hear her music its a deadly predator and certainly not braces and babysitting money.

I like to think she was pulling a Gaga and wearing a dress made of baby back ribs.

I like Slide, but will pass on rollin.

It also took me a couple of listens, but I dig it. I also sorta love Calvin using Katy for a song. Fuck Tracie.

Who is Tracie Swift?

Justine Musk is an amazing woman who writes - I used to follow her blog before I knew who she was. Looks like she’s no longer maintaining it...http://justinemusk.com/

I love that last paragraph and ALL the shade was perfect. The cliches continued. He’s not with Talulah Riley now-despite her becoming blonder for him and god knows how many blondes he’s been with since. She has him totally pegged.

That was a fascinating article. Thanks for sharing. I never knew he had FIVE kids, and somehow missed all the messy divorce drama. I hope she got her fair share.

Musk sounds like he’s exactly the kind of person you’d expect him to be.

Yikes. This does not bode well for Amber. Elon Musk is just a different kind of abusive.

He has stuck me as being rather creepy. And from little of what I read, his interest in her struck me as being rather an obsession rather than a mutual interest.