Til Schweigers Schweigburgers

Naw. He would be capable of orchestrating complex shots with a lot of movement, which would make him a great cameraman, but not the kind of _auteur_ he clearly aspires to be. He would make the classic action movie equivalent of Southland Tales; something like an overtly personal "Commando" that simoultaneously

Or as we connoisseurs call it "chasing tha giant robot titty"

But I guess in Winter Soldier none of the ladies forgot to shave their armpits.

Ah, it's always fun to bash on Murphy. And I don't praise his work ethos as a back-handed compliment, that guy is a trooper. Even his stuff needs to be thought through and conceptualised, even if there is no concept noticable in the final product. It sure is manic, but Murphy doesn't strike me as insane, quite the

Mimicing his pop culture favourites was actually one of the things Kojima was worst at. It sure pales against all of the very questionable other stuff in the game, but in it's core existence, it's a very cheap and very cheap Japanese knock off of Escape from New York. What it evolved into, well, that's a whole other

Along with Rocket League my game of the year, a "perfect ten" (like Rocket League) in every conceivable way. And it struck me by surprise, as I did not expect much of anything, having loathed MGS4 as _the_ pinnacle of self-indulgence and a complete lack of focus or priorities in the right area. The story got even more

It's very appealing to people with short attention spans, as Murphy is one of the most unfocused creators not only of TV but pretty much anything I can think of right now. There is an audience for this kind of entertainment carpet bombing, but to me his stuff is tortuous. Rarely enjoyable (AHS Asylum is pretty solid,

As far as I remember most deaths weren't related to their work. I think.

I just vomited a little through my chuckles.

Sexual intercourse _does_ induce a paradigm shift to your snack habit worldview.

German translations of Nintendo games defy tradition, as they've been constantly excellent throughout the decades they've been doing them. Must be that Treehouse-spirit of dedication to quality painting off. They still do this: I always chuckle at the discrepancies of the nautical-themed puns in Splatoon; the English

I don't think I would tolerate them at work, either. They are very loud, and I don't think that smacking someone with a Nerf dart will enlighten their day and put a smile on their face. And I experienced work environments that would have been more than Nerf friendly, to say the least (No old guys, all people working

It's kinda brilliant. All blasters have roughly the same characteristics when it comes to distance and accurracy. Sure, you can modify the mechanics and/or electrics, but factory-wise they pretty much only differ in terms of ammo capacity and rate of fire. Nevertheless, they try very well at _seeming_ like they are

I got super heavy into Nerf guns in the last four months, like compulsively reading overtly scientific and nerdy reviews and even going so far as subscribing to Coop772s YT-Channel, but I would not go so far and call the mechanics behind them "science". People who marvel about "smart" air restrictors probably are way

Please don't quiz me on enemy names in this game! I only know the german ones, and those would be confusing as heck to y'all, as they are pretty specific puns on local pop culture. "Burt the Bashful" (writing it already gives me migrane…) would be called "Xilebo", which is "Obelix" written backward. Obelix is the BFF

White fish, sabel, capers, onions, cream cheese… what the fuck? That's disgusting!

Even those low-level cons which you think would be more "communal" at least in spirit are wholly depressing endeavours. I once went to one in my hometown which was held on the premises of a middle school and already died a little inside when I paid around 25 Euros for a ticket, which in turn earned me the saddest

This "Édition Limité" is almost as hilarious as "Breukelen Artisanal Frozen Water".

Oh hell yes, that game was f'd up.