
They are. I just love that they were begging for aid, Trump said, “Nah, you don’t need me. You’re good” and all their problems just magically disappeared with a wave of his cheeto dusted fingers. I wish I had that power.

Mayor: “We need help!”

Agreed! And also, why the hell are people putting things other than TOILET PAPER, in the toilet? Have we learned nothing from our primary days?!

This is my preference! I don’t want that ass going down in the history books for anything other than what he is. A lying, scumbag traitor.

I think this sums it up perfectly.

What the fuck does this even mean? And also, Steve ‘Someone else’s babies’ King ladies and gentlemen.

Omg stop it! 😂😂

My boss is in love with covfefe jokes! He’s the CCO of a global company and runs a council of creative execs. He cracked a covfefe joke in an email to them and what was once an email regarding travel logistics became an entire thread with people chiming in from around the world with their own covfefe jokes. It was

And this is exactly how that would go down too. So sad that you(we) can predict their behavior to easily.

Lmao! That sums it up nicely.

Agreed! I’m just reminded of the inauguration when the Marines escorted both FLOTUS to their husbands. Michelle and her escort shared a smile and a thank you and made sure she was good with Obama, while Melania’s escort dropped her hand with the quickness and immediately walked away. Didn’t even check to see if she

Oh his hands will be huge and Trump will be sooo angry.

Oh great, another double standard that conservatives can create because it’s okay for Melania to do it and not Michelle. And by it, I mean anything and everything.

Air Qatar is priceless. I hope you copyright that.

Trump when he saw those screens.

That’s definitely it.

What about Crab people?

Good to know! I’ll be seeing them in a few weeks so I will make use of your suggestions. :)

I swear it’s like I’m watching Scandal everyday. I cannot keep up! This makes total sense to me, especially since we have such a large military base in Qatar which Trump’s dumass hasn’t acknowledged. Why wouldn’t Russia, who has a stake in Syria, try to undermine us again? I just read this as well which makes this

So informative! I haven’t been here a lot lately so this is the first post I’m seeing, but I definitely appreciate this. Now I have something to talk to my London coworkers about on conference calls other than Trump and his covfefe foolishness. Although the covfefe has provided many a joke from around the world in our