
And you just know the whole time he was in Saudi Arabia, everyone in the delegation was thinking, “Sucker!”

Why waste ammunition and manpower on America when our homegrown idiots can do it for them? The terrorists probably read our news online every morning and say, “Whelp, our work is done for the day.”

Yup. The day that crazy drunk driver (which people kept insisting was terrorism, but no, it was seriously just a drunk) plowed through Time Square, my 2 cousins from Florida started sending these mass group messages like “are you guys okay?” So my other cousins in the area responded affirmatively, but I didn’t see

I know! Of course I first heard about this on Twitter on the @Trumpregrets page where an angry and super uber Trump supporter was freaking the fuck out, but you know, hating and killing minorities was all good though. Ugh!  

Agreed. No digging holes or outhouses for me. And I also appreciate toilet paper.

So sorry to hear that!

Can she do her own rendition of the Melania hand slap? Preferably to his face when he tries to kiss her hand or cheek?

Ooh! Ooh! I vote Aliens Here to Overthrow Before Too Many of Us Flee the Planet. Or as the aliens might call it. Stay the Fuck Away from Our  Mars-a-lago!

Are we talking Skynet or the Matrix? If it’s the Matrix then please God no! I can’t imagine anything worse than robots bringing the apocalypse and then deciding to put our brains in a system that forces us to continue living in our current hellscape. We would be in a constant state of Trumplandia. AHHH!!

Driverless cars are looking a lot scarier at the moment.

This sounds highly plausible.

“Stop putting me on youtube! We are not here for your entertainment!!”

Hmm, well my dad was just telling me stories about animals escaping their enclosures/slaughter houses. That combined with our complete inability to not destroy the environment, and shit like the below, has me leaning towards “The Animal Kingdom rises up and decides to fight back!”. I imagine it would be like that

It’s like he could see into the future!

That’s my plan! We have 4 alumni here from my alma mater in 3 different departments so I think we could make up a good panel on our own. We had 5, but our Finance Manager went off to be an entrepreneur. We’re all super happy for her though so she could still join in if she wants.

This entire thread is why the internet was invented. For hilarious shit like this.! Thank you for starting such a bright spot in this gigantic cluster fuck.

Holy mother of God! Must. kill. with. FIRE!

Pffttt!! LMAO! Oh you went there and I absolutely love it.

“For some reason, dysentary, lack of food and syphillis have become a paramount issue for those families traveling on the Oregon Trail.” - Colonialist, Michael Sir Obvious Pence, 1840's.

LOL!!! Although 2077 sounds a little too far away for these clowns.