
Penceasaurus Rex <-- HA! Amazing.

Yup, cause he don’t give a fuuuuuck!

I agree. I work in experiential marketing and I had absoltely no idea this existed (nor do other people). But I mean, obviously there has to be SOMEONE putting on all those conferences, tradeshows, sponsorship events, etc. We do all of that and more. One of my goals in the next two years is to try and raise more

So much this! I had a friend who works at Mars and his job title was Food Packaging Scientist. My reaction to the news was, “You’re lying.” to “Wow, that’s so cool!” Because who knew.

Seems kind of like the “My friends and I are going to jump you!” combined with “hold me back, hold me back!” Translation: My friends are gonna kick your ass while I cheer from back here.

THIS! Republicans can’t agree on anything so OF COURSE it’s the Dems fault because clearly there is something in the water or something stupid like that. 

This comment is superb.

Plus I’ve seen a lot of more coverage of Repubs and Trumps admins calling Kim Jong-un a big fat baby and some other ridiculous names. Basically, the Anti-PC brigade is endangering us with their international bullying by embarrassing the guy with the missiles.

Things like this will happen more and more in blue states because entire departments and initiatives can’t just disappear simply because the federal government has decided to grossly pinch pennies while wasting dollars on bullshit. Planned Parenthood and other departments that are on the chopping block serve a

Now he gets the best of both worlds. He can tell the other Rethugs that he didn’t support it and he can tell the Dems, “Look what I allowed to happen!”

Ha! You know it’s bad when your own museum doesn’t want to buy your product. And I love how they were like, “Oh coal is still king around here!” Until the rest of the college and other businesses in the area make the change as well.

We can criticize her the same way we can criticize all those women who voted for Trump. Same thing in my book.

But would the reaction have been the same if it was a can of Coke?

Yup! And while they’re still screaming about their rinky dink highway that they’ve been fighting to complete for years and their weak broadband signal, I’ll be enjoying my 4G cell service and free wi-fi down UNDERground in my updated subway cars and driving my car over new and improved bridges.

Oh god, I’m having flashbacks to one of the worst hangovers of my life. And it was only off one can! Ugh soooo dehydrated....

Keep trying to star your post and it’s taking them away! Why is Kinja giving me that power?! Too much responsibility!

Funny because that’s literally what they’re asking for by voting against federal regulation and interference. Well then, they can fund their own parks, water protections, infrastructure, disaster relief, etc. etc.

And this is why voting at the state level is important because putting all your eggs in one or two job industry baskets is a recipe for disaster, especially when one of them is so easily replaced by technology. The moment people started crying about their water and the environment, it was clear that those states

OMG yes! This is the classic, “Don’t care, it ain’t me.” attitude. Honestly, I bet you all these white Trump voters would care if the ICE agents started stalking them while looking for European illegals. This would actually make me feel better about the whole thing. If you’re going to do it, do it to everyone.

I met a gun nut who was so hyped for his interview with the NJ police department because he was ready to go out and shoot bad guys. There were also some racist undertones in a lot of his convos so I know what he was really thinking...dick.