It’s very fun. Just have to make sure you and your S.O(s) are on the same page
It’s very fun. Just have to make sure you and your S.O(s) are on the same page
As right as you are, and even though you didnt come off as an asshole or a snob, I still pictured you pushing up your glasses after reading this
Having played both, they feel like 2 different games to me. BF is more like the BF/Halo I love. Hardline is more like COD...but with BF elements so I dont hate it as much as I grew to hate COD.
Damn, thats some Serena level rudeness there
Wouldnt she have to follow him to have the DM go through?
Theres no place for humor online anymore, sorry
So Club B is paying to even talk to Club A’s slave... I mean player
I get that. But heres a question. Does the team have to agree to the fee before even talking to the player?
The more I get in to soccer, the more it seems like the clubs really own the players
Thats good trollin
I still dont know the point of walking out with kids, but fuck it...that kid’s reaction makes it worth it
God I love Ivanovic..... thats all I have to add to this debate
Thats just as bad. Hollywood wont allow that shit, look at Will and Jada
Wonder if Miley will be doing double duty
Don’t worry, I’m right there with you... but I guess that would be a post of Kotaku South
Using Gawker Media logic, GM sites are filled with trolls and racists!
Atleast Tyson served his time
It really is a horrible cover
What is that from and was it killed with fire?