
Even as a Red Bulls fan, I thought that was a little bit fucked up. True, but fucked up

kinja bein kinja

I just want Eternal Sonata

That entire episode of Talk is Jericho is great

The no blood thing has more to do for health reasons, than PG. Dont want to be spreading Hep

That seems even more odd

Thats what MS use to say about Live too... and then all of a sudden!

God no, keep Beadle far away

Ley re-signed right before the FIFA scandal broke, thankfully

It’s funny that JR gets the headshot pose while the others get screen caps of them talking mid sentence just to make JR look better

Trust me, they’ve tried to push Barrett...ALOT... It aint happening. Neville is already being groomed for main event status

WrestleMania being old is why they’re not numbered anymore :(

They’re using the movie title. You even point out that you KNOW its the title... And you’re still complaining that Wonder Woman isn’t in big bold letters? Its not like cover read Batman and Superman. It’s literally the title!

The old NASL overspent because they were set up like the Euro leagues. MLS isnt, which is one of the numerous reasons Billy and others hate it, so it won’t be folding any time soon if ever. You two can got back to your squabble about no one watching the sport, but comparing the old NASL to MLS when it comes to money

I loved Bid For Power

God damn thats creepy/depressing

We are two lucky men

They got because fans booed them from day 1 since they thought they were getting a different gimmick

Don’t say “Hey Cortana” with both Window 10 and a Windows Phone running. Talk about trippy

The Duke was friggin awesome