
Misty’s career problems plot seems to have just kind of dissipated much like Mariah’s political aspirations - they’re pretenses that get the show to a certain plCd and then other things become important such that it feels like they were never problems in the first place. Misty becomes dedicated to the job despite

The worst bit for me was Shades’ emotional / moral epiphany followed immediately in the next episode by his being just a straight up smiling sociopath. I know that’s a ways from this episode but I binged the show last week and I can’t remember when it is in the season. It’s all relative in this mess. 

I defended the diffuse narrative threads last episode but this late into the season, the show is really suffering. Not from the arrangement of plots in relation to one another but their internal consistency. The stakes and position of each character really do seem to change from scene to scene based on what needs to

So what’s up with the Luke Cage reviews? The series summary suggested they’d be up over the weekend but we’re barely halfway through and there hasn’t been a review up since Monday. Different schedule?

I was recorded for an appearance semi-popular podcast today. Which one??? I’m not telling

Brickshorts.com remains unclaimed, sorry to say.

If you don’t know if it applies... maybe read the article and think about whether it does? Idk, I’m not seeing any Resistance type things here so I don’t know where this is coming from

Whatever Comanche’s unresolved feelings for Shades, I think what really stung was the latter’s assertion that what they had wasn’t real. Can’t say whether an affirmation would have made Comanche okay with Mariah / Shades (probably not) but the lack of it is a betrayal in any case.

I don’t think Shades was. When they’re staking out the barbershop and Shades says “It’s different on the inside, it doesn’t count, nobody on the outside can ever understand that.” he’s saying that it’s not different and it does count, but he’s afraid that people will understand that such is the case so he wants it to

You could definitely make the argument that this gets messy when arcs travel at different speeds, but come on - when Bushmaster is airing his grievances to his hostages, it is literally intercut with Luke reading his father the riot act.

I’m a little bit baffled by this review. I get that a binge makes for some rickety analysis on a good day, but still, this is pretty basic stuff.

I like Mooncrash a lot, but as novel a concept as it is, it still feels something like a scaled-back consolation prize we got for not supporting Prey the way it should have been. But more replayability is always a good thing I suppose.

If my read on it is right, Protogen’s assumption re: the purpose of the protomolecule w wrong. They thought it was a biological weapon against life on Earth that just happened to feed on radiation. In point of fact, its primary function is eating radiation. It’s a self-constructing platform for doing some conversion

I have to say it’s disappointing that the Breaking Bad commentariat were the dudes to stick around after the Kinja move gutted the site.

With this fan base? And a character Hawley specifically cited as being a Walter White figure? Just be glad David didn’t have a line like “I am the one who rapes”. Comment section dudes would be quoting it to each other for years, top 5 awesome Legion moments

I could see that the show has been building up to this endpoint all season long, but you don’t get points for your swing when you strike out. For all his talent as a stylistic coordinator Noah Hawley did not have the range as a storyteller needed to pull this off. In a more general sense he should have known better

Everyone acknowledges that you’ve done solid research into the psychology of addiction but I’m afraid that you’re just not cut out for cultural commentary, Dr. Peterson

*brandishes film school textbook at Alex* foul beast, I banish thee!

I bought the season on Amazon and it’s definitely uncensored there.

The great tragedy of New Vegas (aside from Zenimax attempting a hostile takeover of Obsidian and negating the chances of any follow up) is that its engine was extremely antiquated and ass ugly by the time it came out. It’s actually more stable in a lot of ways than Fallout 3’s was, but it is a terrible eyesore.