
I know AVC’s a shell of its old self but it’s darkly heartwarming that flattering items on Kevin Feige are bred into the bones of the site

Two more points:

So what was Nat right about?? Answer me Showtime!!

I like that theory, though Jeff reading the journals and not bringing up the abandonment would be psychopathic... otoh, it’s Jeff, never attribute to malice, etc.

Somebody who assumes he can handle the suburban housewife holding it.

This episode pushes the show a little farther into standard Showtime territory - a friend I was watching with said “there’s no way they’re going to avoid Dextering this show by the end of S2". As the past becomes clearer the unknowns of both it and the present become less menacing. Not knowing what happened during the

Given they put so much emphasis on who could have possibly access Travis’s bank accounts, blackmailer / garage hunk tempter is going to end up being… is Travis’s kid brother named Adam? It’s Adam. He’d have no trouble. And if he’s a secret survivor, he’ll want his cut.

Blood Dragon is a little bit thin feature-wise (you can tell it was a side project) and its high-contrast color palette can only be taken in small doses. But it’s the first real Far Cry goof-off, and thus both the purest and least self-referential modern day offering. And it actually succeeds at being funny more

Everybody loves Hurk. When he’s not in the scene people should be asking “where’s Hurk?” He likes bazookas and calls his car his baby! What a character

On paper I should love Far Cry - choose-your-approach shooters with an uncommon focus on its villains. But it is, without a doubt, the most exhausting series I have ever played. It just constantly gets in its own way.

Linklater is really the MVP of the series, I never once looked at the shot clock at any point during his monologues. Henry Thomas is also pretty good. But everyone else... It’s a lot to sell.

Looking forward to the news item tomorrow or Thursday about how Kevin Feige had no idea there was anything sordid going on with these contracts either, how he’s really upset at his own company, and he’s still a cool movie visionary.

Genre designation is directed by the publisher, who are directed by the brick-and-mortar booksellers, who demand clear delineation for their in-store shelving. It’s got nothing to do with the stigma of horror and everything to do with “how do we best position this so that consumers who actually read and buy books (aka

Good to see If On A Winter’s Night Four Travelers get some shine. Robert W. Chambers and Silent Hill are two flavors that unsurprisingly go great together - even when they remind you just how slow Silent Hill was to play back in the day. And the Calvino mixed in there is cute! I’m not entirely sure what it’s doing

By most accounts she really does not like the novel.

Have to agree about Lisey and Scott, even just from a structural perspective - there’s really no good functional reason for us to know most of what we do know about Scott’s childhood. It’s a good creepy part of the tale but you could cut most of it and it wouldn’t do any harm to Lisey’s side of the story, which is

also RIP to Sung Kang, you had like five lines over seven hours and your death didn’t merit a mention in this review.

No one has ever referred to the recently deceased as having “popped off”. Though there may be very rare and exotic examples of them “pegging out”.

I can only imagine Stephen King piling cornier and cornier euphemisms for death onto the page and thinking “yes, that’s it, that’s how you build emotion”.

Probably not great news re: its viewership numbers. Hypothetically, if someone without a subscription were to try and pirate the latest episodes, they probably wouldn’t even be able to find them!