
Feminists have lost the plot.

You call that Attention to Detail? haahahaahahaahah and you love Nintendo for it? Hahahaahahaha seriously who hires you newbs?

People actually want to watch Top Gear without the original hosts? Hah fail.

What difference does it make? The Millenial will own the car for a few years and want something new. Car companies should be examining this further with better Lease options. People get soo caught up in the fact a car is a depreciating asset when it’s moot. It doesn’t matter. You can argue and decide it matters to you

Their country does nothing for them. I am guessing you think it should be the responsibility of the USA to supply this person with a home. HEH

Nothing wrong with what he said.

I hate when ignorant people decide they are experts.

Hetero Women: No, laying there like a dead fish is NOT sexy.

So does this mean I don’t have to let anyone that signals into my lane? *MY* Lane.

Jalopnik where our wannabee writers whine about everything.

As a child I grew up in the rich part of the suburbs. I was completely sheltered and I was bullied for living in the biggest house on the most prestigious street. I thought my family was “rich”.

The reality is he was a Smoker, Alcohol abuser and Drug abuser.

“And then the Audi battery probably...”  Keep your ignorant opinions to yourself newb.

O.P is a Naive.

Who wrote this crap? The quality of articles on these Gizmodo/Jalopnik/Jezebel sites is pathetic. LOL @ demanding people turn their DRL off when it’s not even an option in most cars. FFS IDIOT

Mom just called you for dinner don’t be late.

Bullies aren’t the ones that get upset and yell. It’s the employee that is being bullied or mistreated that gets upset. The best recourse is to speak to HR or your Manager. Just like in school you can not address the situation yourself or you will be suspended or in the case of work FIRED.

Hahaha you’ve got to be kidding? are people really this stupid?

You dumbass they are aerodynamic. Not to impress your girlfriend on how pretty they are.

Are you stupid or just young?