Crazy Ex Girlfriend should be on all the lists. All of them.
Crazy Ex Girlfriend should be on all the lists. All of them.
I'm guessing that as soon as it hit cable, it hit heavy rotation. I'm only a few years young than Adam and I don't remember a time from my childhood when "A Christmas Story" was constantly airing.
How many kids got their tongues stuck to poles because of "A Christmas Story?" At least ten is my guess.
The sack of shame seems like something Catholicism will add to Christmas in the coming years.
You'd think that would have caused problems when Ed Helms joined "The Office" cast.
If they would have got a young Keith David, they could have subtly tied The Goldbergverse into Enlisted. *sob* I'll never stop missing you, Enlisted.
And he plays banjo!
"I can't believe this came from grapes, sir."
Chopper should get an infinity figure though, that droid is a straight up psycho.
I don't care how much lampshading it would take, but I'm choosing to believe that Murray's dad is John from "Dear John."
Another great cameo by The USS Flagg playset.
Well, looks like Mike Schmidt is no longer my favorite 1980s-era Phillie.
Neither… Tricked out Landspeeder.
The correct answer to this one, and the previous one is speeder bike. The only thing this isn't the correct answer to is "What's a good vehicle for Endor?"
They sort of lampshaded it, by pointing out how important the car was in his relationship with Kevin.
There should be a shot in one of the movies where the resistance gets shot after shot on a new First Order TIE fighter, only for them to realize it had shielding.
I've heard rumors that Porkin's death was a friendly fire incident.
If I were a teen, I'd want a speeder bike.
Their follow up single, "Space Jam", still holds up.