Tiggle G

Why is BRAVE considered forward-thinking by having its princess say no to the choice between three utter trolls? That's more like "sanity" than "progressiveness" in my book.

Oh, definitely check out BONES OF THE MOON. It's what got me addicted to Carroll's writing. It's weird to me that Gaiman and other writers I admire really love his stuff, but I've only met a couple people who know who he is.

Oh, definitely check out BONES OF THE MOON. It's what got me addicted to Carroll's writing. It's weird to me that Gaiman and other writers I admire really love his stuff, but I've only met a couple people who know who he is.

Correct me if I'm wrong (I haven't read these issues in years), but isn't this the series of issues that acknowledges the influence of Jonathan Carroll's novel BONES OF THE MOON?  The book is another strong female-driven narrative into a particular fantasy world where the heroine is accompanied by her childhood

Correct me if I'm wrong (I haven't read these issues in years), but isn't this the series of issues that acknowledges the influence of Jonathan Carroll's novel BONES OF THE MOON?  The book is another strong female-driven narrative into a particular fantasy world where the heroine is accompanied by her childhood

How could you NOT ask him about THE FAN?????

How could you NOT ask him about THE FAN?????

Kudos to putting KILL LIST here. It's almost impossible for a movie to "scare" me anymore, and this film gave me nightmares for 2 days straight. Unfortunate that to tantalize people with it you have to tease the ending, the surprise of which packed the strongest emotional wallop.

Kudos to putting KILL LIST here. It's almost impossible for a movie to "scare" me anymore, and this film gave me nightmares for 2 days straight. Unfortunate that to tantalize people with it you have to tease the ending, the surprise of which packed the strongest emotional wallop.

Whatever anyone thinks of the film itself, there's no denying this Blu-ray transfer is absolutely gorgeous— Barbarella has never looked this good on home video, and for once it is framed properly— the previous DVD was slightly zoomed-in on, and was a murky affair, to boot. Kudos to Paramount for releasing a

Whatever anyone thinks of the film itself, there's no denying this Blu-ray transfer is absolutely gorgeous— Barbarella has never looked this good on home video, and for once it is framed properly— the previous DVD was slightly zoomed-in on, and was a murky affair, to boot. Kudos to Paramount for releasing a